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Text File | 2004-05-01 | 84.6 KB | 2,130 lines
// Albanian language module for EVEREST // Translated by Fatmir Raka (fatmir.raka@coatings.basf.org) // Last updated: Apr 25, 2004 // // Pδshkak tδ mungesδs sδ gjuhδs sδ standardizuar nδ informatikδ jam pδrpjekur // tδ bδj njδ pδrkthim sa mδ tδ pδrshtatshδm. Se sa ia kam arritδ qδllimit // gjykoni vet. Nδse gjeni gabime apo keni diτka pδr tδ shtuar, ndryshuar // apo τka do diτka tjetδr, mos nguroni lajmrohuni nδ adresδn << fatmir.raka@coatings.basf.org >> // application menus &File=&Skedari &View=&Pamja &Report=&Raporti &Audit=&Kontrolli Re&mote=I &largδt Fav&orites=&Favoritδt &Information=&Informatat &Help=&Ndihmδ // application menuitems &Audit Manager=&Mengjeri i auditimit &Database Manager=Menagjeri i &datotekδs &Change Manager=Menagjeri i &ndryshimeve &Preferences=Opci&onet E&xit=Pδr&fundo &Search=&Kδrko Large &Icons=&Simbolet e mδdha &Small Icons=Simbolet e &vogδla &List=&Listδ &Details=&Detalisht &Report Wizard=&Asistenti i raportit Qu&ick Report=Raport i &shpejtδ All pages=Tδ gjitha faqet menu=meny Menu=Meny Report &Converter=Konvertuesi i &Raportit R&emote Report Wizard=Asis&tenti i raportit tδ largδt &Add Report Files=&Shto skedarδt e raportit Add Reports from Data&base=Shto skedarδt nga &datoteka &Files=&Skedarδt F&older=&Follder Compare &List=&Krahaso listδn &Computers=&Kompjuterδt &Users=&Pδrdoruesit &Statistics Details=&Detalet statistike Statistics &Diagram=Diagrami i s&tatistikδs Full &HTML Report=Raporti i tδrδsishδm &HTML Remove &Computer from Audit=Lar&go kompjuterin nga auditimi Remove All C&omputers from Audit=Largo tδ g&jithδ kompjuterδt nga auditimi &Join Lines=&Bashko rrjeshtat D&elete Section=&Zhlyej seksionin Connect to &Remote Computer=Lidhu me kompjute&rin e largδt &Monitor Remote Computers=&Monitoro kompjuterin e largδt &Accept Incoming Remote Connections=&Prano lidhjet e largδta hyrδse &Ignore Incoming Remote Connections=&Injoro lidhjet e largδta hyrδse Remote Computer &Information=&Informata rreth kopjuterit tδ largδt Me&ssage to Remote User=Me&sazhi drejtuar pδrdoruesit tδ largδt &Browse Files=Kδrko &skedarδt &Processes=&Proceset Screen S&hot=Screens&hot &Full Size=&Pamje e plotδ &Half Size=&Gjysmδ Q&uarter Size=&Qerek &Operations=&Transakcionet R&un Program=S&tarto Programin &Close %s=&Mbylle %s &Turn Off=╟'&kyq &Restart=&Ristarto &Log Off=╟'&lajmδrohu &View Log=&Trego protokolin &Disconnect=&Ndδrpre lidhjen Add to &Favorites=Shto tek &favoritδt Remove from F&avorites=&Zhlyeje nga favoritδt &Web=&Web &Info Database Status=Statuti &informativ i datotekδs &What's New=╟ka ka tδ &re %s &Online=%s &Online &Contact=&Kontaktim &License=Li&cenca C&ommand-line Options=Opcionet &nδ rrjeshtin komandues &About=&Rreth Preferences=Opcionet License Agreement=Marrδveshjet rreth licencδs Registration=Regjistrim What's New=╟ka ka tδ re? // remote control Local=Lokal Remote=I largδt Connect to Remote Computer=Lidhu me kompjuterin e largδt Connect to &single computer=Lidhu me njδ &kopjuteri Address:=Adresa: Scan local &network for computers=Kδrko &rrjetin lokal pδr kopjuterδ Network:=Rrjeti: Connection Established=Lidhja qδndron Client Connected=Client-i δshtδ lidhur Connection Refused=Refuzohet lidhja Please enter command line=Julutem jepni udhδzimin nδ rreshtin komandues Incoming Message=Mesazh nδ hyrje To:=Pranon: From:=Nga: &Send=&Dδrgo &Reply=&Pδrgjigje Run Program=Starto programin Remote File Browsing=Kδrkim skedarδsh nδ PC tδ largδt Remote Screen Shot=Screenshot nδ PC tδ largδt Remote Program Launch=Startim programi nδ PC tδ largδt Remote Server Shutdown=╟kyq Server-in e largδt Remote Power Off=╟kyq PC-nδ e largδt Remote Restart=Ristarto PC-nδ e largδt Remote Log Off=╟'lajmrim nga PC e largδt Remote computer is currently busy. Please try again later=Kopmjuteri i largδt δshtδ momentalisht i zδnδ. Ju lutem provoni pak mδ vonδ. Connection Type=Tipi i lidhjes Simple=Thjeshtδ Command=Udhδzimi Server Log=Protokoli i server-it C&lear=&Zhlyej // remote monitor &Columns=&Kolonat Remote Monitor=Ekrani i largδt Connect to &Remote Computers=Lidhu me kompjuterδt e &largδt &Remove from List=&Largo nga lista Address=Adresa Pending=Nδ pritje Busy=I zδnδ OS=Sistemi operativ Idle Time=Kohδ e lirδ Mem. Total=Gjithδsejt memorje Mem. Free=Memorje e lirδ Disk Total=Disku gjithδsejt Disk Free=Disku i lirδ Active Window=Dritarja aktive Screen Shot=Screenshot Save Screen Shot=Depono screenshot JPEG files=Skedar JPEG Save &As=&Depono si Date Modified=Data u ndryshua Browse=Kδrko // remote report &New=&I ri N&ew=I &ri &Delete=&Zhlyej &Select All=Zgjidh tδ &gjithδ &Clear All=&Zhlyej tδ gjithδ Command sent=Udhδzimi u dδrgua Welcome to the Remote Report wizard=Mirδ se vini tek asistenti i rrjetit tδ largδt This wizard will help you to create report files of remote computers.=Ky asistent do t'u ndihmojδ tδ krijoni skedarδ raporti rreth kompjuterit tδ largδt Remote computers=Kompjuterδt e largδt Please choose the computers you want to have report of:=Ju lutem zgjidhni kompjuterδt rreth tδ cilδve doni tδ bδni njδ raport: Report output=Dalja e raportit Please enter reports file name and reports folder:=Ju lutem jepeni emrin e skedarit dhe tδ follderit: Save to &file=&Depono nδ skedarδ &Send in e-mail=&Dδrgo nδ e-mail // remote processes &End Process=&Pδrfundo procesin Are you sure you want to end '%s'?=A jeni i sigurt se doni tδ pδrfundoni: '%s'? // winsock errors Remote computer cannot be found=S'mund tδ gjejδ kompjuterin e largδt Connection timed out=Lidhjes i tejkaloi afati Remote computer name cannot be resolved=Nuk mund tδ zgjedhδ kompjuterin e largδt // info database status Info Database Status=Informatδ rreth statutit tδ datotekδs Motherboards=Pllakδza amδ Hard Disk Drives=Disqet Optical Drives=Disqet optike Video Adapters=Adapterδt grafik Monitors=Ekranδt // database manager Database Manager=Menagjeri i datotekδs %d reports=%d raporte %d computers=%d kompjuter %d users=%d pδrdorues %d days old=%d ditδ %d reports selected=%d raporte tδ zgjedhura &Refresh=&Fresko Show &Outdated Reports=&Trego raportet qδ kanδ tejkaluar afatin &Insert Report Files to Database=&Shto skedarδt e raportit nδ datotekδ &Export Selected Reports=&Eksporto raportet e zgjedhura &Delete Selected Reports=&Zhlyej raportet e zgjedhura Delete &Outdated Reports=Zhlyej raportet me afat tδ &tejkaluar Switch &RComplete Field to Yes=Kyτ fushδn &RComplete nδ PO Do you want to insert '%s' file to database?=A dδshironi tδ shtoni '%s' skedarδ nδ datotekδ? Do you want to insert %d report files to database?=A dδshironi tδ shtoni '%s' skedarδ raporti nδ datotekδ? outdated=Kaluar afati Lines=Rrjeshta Reports=Raporte Inserting report file to database=Duke shtuar skedarin e raportit nδ datotekδ Exporting report from database=Duke eksportuar raportin nga datoteka Deleting report from database=Duke zhlyer raportin nga datoteka Insert Report Files to Database=Shto skedarδt e raportit nδ datotekδ &Use file name instead of computer name=&Pδrdor emrin e skedarit nδ vend tδ emrit tδ kompjuterit &Only insert the lines used by Audit Statistics=&Shto vetδm rrjeshta tδ pδrdorur nga statistika e auditimit &Show grid lines=&Trego vizat e qelizave // change manager Change Manager=Menagjeri i ndryshimit &Start=&Starto Checking for changes=Kδrkoj ndryshimet Full List=Lista e plotδ Value Before=Vlera e mδparshme Value After=Vlera e ardhδshme Added=Tδ shtuar Removed=Tδ larguar Changed=Tδ ndryshuar %d events=%d ndodhi Load reports from:=Thirr raportet nga: &Folder (CSV report files):=&Follderi (Skedarδt CSV tδ raporteve): Filter=Filterδt Filter By Date=Filtro sipas datδs Filter By Component=Filtro sipas komponenteve &List all events=&Trego tδ gjitha ndodhitδ List events occured in the past &days:=Trego ndodhitδ e &ditδve tδ fundit: List events occured in the following date &interval:=Trego ndodhitδ nδ kδtδ &interval ditorδ: HW Components=Komponentet e HW SW Components=Komponentet e SW DMI Components=Komponentet DMI Displaying changes=Pasqyro ndryshimet // report converter Report Converter=Konvertuesi i raporteve Destination=Caku Add &Files=Shto &Skedarδt Add F&older=Shto &follderin &Remove=&Zhlyej &Destination folder:=Folderi i &cakut: Type of converted &reports:=Lloji i &raportit tδ konvertuar: Converting report file=Skedari i raportit konvertues // hints Double-click to open file properties window=Kliko dyfish pδr tδ hapδ vetitδ e skedarit Double-click to browse share=Kliko dyfish pδr tδ kδrkuar skedarδt e pδrbashkδt Double-click to modify user/group settings=Kliko dyfish pδr tδ ndryshuar vetitδ e pδrdoruesit/grupit Double-click to open display properties window=Kliko dyfish pδr tδ hapur vetitδ e pamjes Double-click to open multimedia properties window=Kliko dyfish pδr tδ hapur vetitδ multimediale Double-click to open game controller properties window=Kliko dyfish,pδr tδ hapδ vetitδ e kontrolluesit tδ lojδs Double-click to open network connections window=Kliko dyfish pδr tδ hapδ lidhjen me rrjet Double-click to run DirectX Diagnostics=Kliko dyfish pδr tδ startuar diagnozδn Direkt-X Double-click to open printers window=Kliko dyfish pδr tδ hapδ vetitδ e printerit Double-click to modify task properties=Kliko dyfish pδr tδ ndryshuar vetitδ e task-ut Double-click to uninstall program=Kliko dyfish pδr tδ deinstaluar programin Double-click to launch Control Panel applet=Kliko dyfish pδr tδ startuar trarin drejtues Double-click to empty recycle bin=Kliko dyfish pδr tδ zbrazδ shportδn e mbeturinave Double-click to edit system file=Kliko dyfish pδr tδ korigjuar skedarin e sistemit Double-click to browse folder=Kliko dyfish pδr tδ kδrkuar nδ follder Double-click to open event properties window=Kliko dyfish pδr tδ hapδ vetitδ e ndodhive Double-click to open ODBC properties window=Kliko dyfish pδr tδ hapδ vetitδ ODBC Double-click to open statistics details window=Kliko dyfish pδr tδ hapur detalet e statistikδs Double-click to browse URL=Kliko dyfish pδr tδ kδrkuar nδ URL // init Loading Icons=Thδrras ikonat... Loading Driver=Thδrras shtytδsit... Loading Data=Thδrras tδ dhδnat... Reading MSR Data=Lexoj tδ dhδnat MSR... Loading BIOS Content=Thδrras pδrmbajtjen e BIOS... Scanning SMART Devices=Kδrkoj mjetet SMART... Scanning Windows Devices=Kδrkoj mjetet e Windows-it... Scanning PCI Devices=Kδrkoj mjetet PCI... Measuring CPU Speed=Mas shpejtδsinδ e CPU-sδ... Updating Windows Devices=Freskoj mjetet e Windows-it // internet update This program will be restarted to complete the update=Programi do tδ ristartohet pδr tδ kompletuar update-in. NetUpdate is finished=NetUpdate u kry. Query NetUpdate information=Kδrkoj NetUpdate informatat... This software is up to date=Ky software δshtδ ndδr mδ tδ rinjt. Cannot complete the update=Update nuk mund tδ pδfundohet. %d KB downloaded=deri tani %d KB %d of %d KB=%d nga %d KB Connecting to the Internet=Lidhem me Internet... Starting Internet download session=Starto shkarkimin nga interneti... Connecting to NetUpdate server=Lidhem me server-in NetUpdate... Downloading NetUpdate information=Thδrras informatat NetUpdate... Query NetUpdate variants=Pyes variantat NetUpdate... No variants found=Nuk gjeta ndonjδ variantδ. New version of %s found=Gjeta njδ verzion tδ ri tδ %s. Do you want to upgrade to it=Doni tδ bδni njδ update? Question=Pyetje Ready to update=Gati pδr update. old=vjetδr new=ri Variant=Variantδ Local Folder=Follder lokal bytes/s=Byte/s KB/s=KB/s MB/s=MB/s MPixel/s=MPixel/s MTexel/s=MTexel/s Mbit/s=MBit/s Software Update=Software Update Downloading %s=Shkarkoj %s Update Description=Pδrshkrimi i update-it Update Comment=Komentim i update-it Update Type=Update-Tipi Product Description=Pδrshkrim i produktit Product Copyright=Produkt Copyright Product Comment=Komentim i produktit Preview version - Only for testing purposes=Preview Version - Vetδm pδr qδllim testimi. Beta release=Beta Release Final release=Final Release // report wizard Report wizard=Asistenti raportues Remote Report wizard=Asistenti i raportit tδ largδt Quick Report=Raport i shpejtδ Remote Report=Raporti i largδt Command-line=Udhδzimi &Back=&Prapa &Next=&Tjetri Cancel=Ndδrpre &Load=Thi&rr &Save=&Depono &Finish=&Krijo Welcome to the Report wizard=Mirδ se erdhδt tek asistenti raportues! This wizard will help you to create a report of your computer.=Ky asistent ju ndihmon tδ bδni njδ raport rreth kompjuterit tuaj. After completing this wizard you can print the report, save it to file or send it in e-mail.=Pas pδrfundimit tδ kδtij asistenti mund tδ shtypni raportin, tδ depononi apo tδ dδrgoni me e-mail Please try to minimize the information you choose to include in the report, to avoid generating huge reports.=Ju lutem tentoni t'i reduktoni informatat tδ cilat dδshironi t'i shtoni nδ raport, me qδllim tδ evitimit tδ njδ raporti tδ gjatδ. You can help the development by sending report files of various computers to the author:=Ju mund tδ ndihmoni zhvillimin e programit duke i dδrguar autorit raporte tδ kompjuterδve tδ ndryshδm: To make sure you don't include personal or confidential information in the reports sent to the author, you should choose the profile called "Hardware-related pages".=Pδr tδ qenδ tδ sigurt se nuk dδshironi tδ dδrgoni raporte me informata konfidenciale, ju duhet tδ zgjidhni profilin e ashtδquajtur "Faqet me ngjashmδri hardueri": Report Profiles=Profilet e raporteve Please choose a desired report layout profile:=Julutem zgjidhni pamjen e profilit pδr raportin: &All pages=Tδ gjitha &faqet Sys&tem Summary only=V&etδm njδ pδrmbledhje tδ sistemit &Hardware-related pages=Vetδm raport &Hardware-i &Software-related pages=Vetδm raport &Software-i B&enchmark pages=Faqe &krahasuese Pages required for a&udit=Faqet e nevojshme pδr k&ontrollim &Custom selection=Selektim &vetjak &Load from file:=Thirr nga s&kedari: Custom Report Profile=Profil i zakonshδm i raportit Please select the pages you want to include in the report:=Julutem zgjidhni faqet tδ cilat doni t'i vendosni nδ raport: Report format=Formati i raportit Please choose a desired report format:=Julutem zgjidhni formatin e raportit: Plain &Text=&Teksti i plotδ &Database=&Datoteka Submit Report=Dδrgo raportin Report saved to '%s'=Raporti u deponua nδ '%s' Processing=Pδrpuno Transferring=Nδ transferim Done=U kry Error=Gabim Generating report=Raporti nδ gjenerim Saving report=Raporti nδ deponim Preparing MHTML code=Pδrgatis kodin MHTML Generating MHTML code=Krijoj kodin MHTML Removing MHTML temp files=Zhlyej skedarδt MHTML ndihmδs %d of %d=%d prej %d &Close=&Mbylle &Stop=&Ndδrpre &Registration Request=&Kδrkesδ regjistrimi Opening report file '%s'=Hapδ skedarin e raportit '%s' Homepage=Homepage Report Type=Lloji i raportit Generator=Gjeneruesi Computer Type=Tipi i kompjuterit Date=Data Time=Ora %d cylinders, %d heads, %d sectors per track, %d bytes per sector=%d Cilindra, %d Koka, %d Sektorδ/Spur, %d Bytes/Sektor Load Report Profile=Thirr profilin e raportit Save Report Profile=Depono profilin e raportit %s report files=%s skedarδ raporti %s archives=%s arkive All files=Tδ gjithδ skedarδt Report files=Skedarδt e raportit Report of <%s>=Raporti i <%s> Physical Drive=Disku fizik Report has been inserted into a database. Report output is not visible.=Raporti u deponua nδ datotekδ. Raporti nuk mund tδ pasqyrohet. Warning: Error occured during report generation process=Vδrejtje! Gabim gjatδ krijimit tδ raportit. Save To File=Depono nδ skedarδ Send In E-mail=Dδrgo si E-Mail Print Preview=Pamje pδr printer Print=Shtyp Print Pre&view=&Pamje pδr printer &Print=&Shtyp Close=Mbyll // audit manager Audit Manager=Menagjeri i auditimit &Undo=&Prapδso Components=Komponentet Audit Components=Komponentet audituese Audit Filter=Filteri auditues List 1 (HW Component)=Lista 1 (Komponentet HW) List 2 (SW Component)=Lista 2 (Komponentet SW) List 3 (DMI Component)=Lista 3 (Komponentet DMI) List 4 (Computer)=Lista 4 (Kompjuteri) Statistics 1 (Narrow)=Statistika 1 (e cekδt) Statistics 2 (Wide)=Statistika 2 (e zgjδruar) &Edit=P&δrpuno &Copy=&Kopjo Copy &All=Kopjo tδ &gjitha Statistics Details=Detalet e statistikδs Statistics Diagram=Diagrami i statistikδs Save Statistics Diagram=Depono diagramin e statistikδs Operating System Family=Familja e sistemit operativ CPU Manufacturer=Prodhuesi i CPU-sδ CPU Count=Sasia e CPU-ve CPU Clock=Takti i CPU-sδ CPU Type & Clock=Tipi dhe Takti i CPU-sδ System Memory Size=Madhδsia e memorjes sδ sistemit System Memory Type=Lloji i memorjes sδ sistemit Memory Modules Count=Sasia e moduleve tδ memorjes Video Adapter + Memory Size=Videokartela + madhδsia e memorjes Monitor + Serial Number=Ekrani + numri serik Local Disks Total Size=Kapaciteti total i disqeve lokale Local Disks Free Space=Kapaciteti i lirδ i disqeve lokale Local Disks Space Percent=Kapaciteti i lirδ i disqeve lokale me pδqindje Disk Drives Count=Numri i disqeve Optical Drives Count=Numri i disqeve optike Partition Size=Madhδsia e particionit Partition Free Space=Vendi i lirδ i particionit Partition Space Percent=Vendi i lirδ i particionit me pδrqindje Partitions Count=Numri i particioneve Modem=Modemi Network Adapter + IP Address=Adapteri i rrjetit + IP-Adresa Primary IP Address=IP-Adresa primare Primary MAC Address=MAC-Adresa primare Installed Programs + Version=Programet e instaluara dhe verzionet DMI BIOS Vendor=Ofruesi i DMI BIOS DMI BIOS Version=Verzioni i DMI BIOS DMI System Manufacturer=Prodhuesi i sistemit DMI DMI System Product=Produkti i sistemit DMI DMI System Version=Verzioni i sistemit DMI DMI System Serial Number=Numri serial i sistemit DMI DMI System UUID=UUID e sistemit DMI DMI Motherboard Manufacturer=Prodhuesi i DMI pllakδzave amδ DMI Motherboard Product=Produkti i DMI plakδzδs amδ DMI Motherboard Version=Verzioni i DMI pllakδzδs amδ DMI Motherboard Serial Number=Numri serik i DMI pllakδzδs amδ DMI Chassis Manufacturer=Prodhuesi i shasisδ DMI DMI Chassis Version=Verzioni i DMI shasisδ DMI Chassis Serial Number=Numri serik i DMI shasisδ DMI Chassis Asset Tag=Emri i DMI shasisδ DMI Chassis Type=Lloji i DMI shasisδ No devices found=Nuk gjeta ndonjδ aparat Gathering audit data=Pδrmbledhja e tδ dhδnave audituese Displaying audit data=Pasqyrimi i tδ dhδnave audituese Adding reports to audit=Shto raportin nδ auditim Connecting to database=Lidhem me datotekδ Successful database connection=Lidhje e suksesshme me datotekδ Database connection failed=Lidhja me datotekδ dδshtoi Successful FTP connection=Lidhje e suksesshme me FTP FTP connection failed=Lidhja me FTP dδshtoi Text files=Skedarδ teksti Auto Load=Thirrje automatike Automatically load reports from:=Thirr raportet automatikisht nga: &No auto load=&Ska thirrje automatike &Use file name as computer name=&Pδrdor emrin e skedarit si emδr tδ kompjuterit Filter "&PCI Device" list (enter keywords):=Lista e filterδve "&PCI mjete" (jep fjalδt kyτe): Filter "&USB Device" list (enter keywords):=Lista e filterδve "&USB mjete" (jep fjalδt kyτe): Filter "&Installed Programs" list (enter keywords):=Lista e filterδve "Programet e &insataluara" (jep fjalδt kyτe): Excluded Computers=Kompjuterδt e leτitur Excluded Users=Pδrdoruesit e leτitur // registration &From:=&Nga: &To:=&Tek: S&ubject:=&Tema: &Comment:=Koment&ari: E-mail transfer protocol:=E-Mail protokoli transportues: Mail &account:=&Mail Konto: SMTP &display name:=S&MTP emri : SMTP e-mail add&ress:=SMT&P E-Mail Adresa: SMTP ser&ver:=Serveri SM&TP: recommended=Rekomandohet Send In &E-mail=Dδrgo E-M&ail-in E-mail sent=E-Mail u dδrgua E-mail not sent=E-Mail nuk u dδrgua Success=I suksesshδm Failed=Pa sukses Authentication failed=Identifikimi ishte i pasuksesshδm Recipient not found=Nuk gjeta pranuesin Attachment not found=Nuk gjeta shtojcδn Attachment open failure=Gabim gjatδ hapjes sδ shtojcδs Insufficient memory=Memorja nuk mjafton Message text too large=Teksti i mesazhit δshtδ tepδr i gjatδ Too many attachments=Tepδr shtojca Too many recipients=Tepδr pranues User abort=Ndδprerδ nga pδrdoruesi Connection required=Nevojitet lidhja Invalid host=Hosti i gabeshδm E-mail header incomplete=E-Mail-Header nuk δshtδ komplet Connection to SMTP server failed=Gabim gjatδ lidhjes me server-in SMTP Sending E-mail=E-Mail-i dδrgohet Connecting=Duke u lidhur // page descs Computer description, system summary=Pδrshkrim i kompjuterit, pδrmbledhja e sistemit System summary=Pδrmbledhja e sistemit Computer and domain name information=Informata rreth kompjuterit dhe Domain-emrit Desktop Management Interface information=Informata rreth Desktop Management Interface (DMI) Overclock information=Informatat Overclock Power management information=Informata rreth menagjmentit tδ rrymδs System temperature, voltage values, cooling fans information=Temperatura e sistemit, vlerat e tensionit, informatat e ftohδsit Motherboard, processors, memory, chipset, BIOS information=Pllakδza amδ, Prozesori(δt), Memorja, ╟ipi, BIOS Informatat Central processor properties and physical information=Vetitδ e procesorit dhe vetitδ teknike CPUID instruction information=CPUID Informatat e udhδzimeve Central processors list=Lista e procesorδve Motherboard properties and physical information=Vetitδ e pllakδzδs amδ dhe informatat teknike System memory and swap space information=Informata rreth memorjes sδ punδs dhe skedarit ndδrmjetδsues Motherboard chipset and AGP properties, RAM modules list=╟ipi i pllakδzδs amδ dhe AGP vetitδ, lista e moduleve tδ memorjes System BIOS information=BIOS informatat e sistemit Operating system, services, processes, drivers information=Sistemi operativ, serviset, proceset, shtytδsit Operating system information=Informat rreth sistemit operativ Running processes list=Lista e proceseve tδ ekzekutuara Installed system drivers list=Shtytδsit e instaluar tδ sistemit Services list=Lista e serviseve List of .AX files in system folder=Lista e skedarδve .AX nδ follderin e sistemit List of .DLL files in system folder=Lista e skedarδve .DLL nδ follderin e sistemit UpTime and DownTime statistics=Statistika e kohδs dhezδ dhe asaj fikδ Server information=Informatat e server-it Shared folders and printers list=Lista e follderδve dhe printerδve tδ pδrbashkδt Remotely opened files list=Lista e skedarδve tδ largδt tδ hapur Account security information=Informatat e sigurisδ sδ kontos List of users logged into this computer=Lista e pδrdoruesve tδ lajmδruar nδ kδtδ kompjuter User accounts list=Lista kontove tδ pδrdoruesve Local groups and their members list=Lista e grupeve lokale dhe anδtarδve tδ tyre Global groups and their members list=Lista e grupeve globale dhe anδtarδve tδ tyre Display adapters, monitors, desktop information=Informatat rreth adapterit tδ ekranδve, ekranet, sipδrfaqja e punδs Display adapters information=Informatat e adapterit tδ ekranit List of video adapters connected to PCI bus and AGP port=Lista e video-adapterδve tδ lidhur me PCI bus dhe AGP port Graphics processor information=Informatat e procesorit grafik Monitors list, Plug-n-Play monitor information=Lista e ekranδve, Plug-n-Play informatat e ekranit Desktop properties, desktop effects settings=Vetitδ e Desktop-it, opcionet dhe efektet List of all monitors connected=Lista e tδ gjithδ ekranδve tδ lidhur OpenGL video adapter information=OpenGL informatat e kartelδs grafike Installed fonts list=Lista e shkrimeve tδ instaluara Multimedia devices, audio and video codecs information=Mjetet multimediale, Audio- dhe Videocodec informatat Audio input/output devices list=Lista e Audiomjeteve pδr hyrje dhe dalje List of audio adapters connected to PCI and ISA Plug-n-Play bus=Lista e audioadapterδve tδ cilδt janδ tδ lidhur me PCI-Bus dhe ISA Plug-n-Play Bus Audio codecs list=Lista e audiokodeksit Video codecs list=Lista e videokodeksit Media control devices list=Lista e Mediacontroller-it Hard disks, CD & DVD drives, SMART information=Informata rreth disqeve, CD-ve dhe DVD-ve tδ llojit SMART. Storage controllers and devices list=Informata rreth kontrolluesit tδ memorjes dhe mjeteve Logical drives information=Informata rreth disqeve logjike Physical drives information, partitions list=Informata rreth disqeve fizike dhe listδs sδ particioneve CD & DVD drives information=Informata rreth disqeve, CD-ve dhe DVD-ve ASPI SCSI devices list=Lista e mjeteve ASPI SCSI ATA hard disks information=Informata rreth disqeve ATA SMART hard disk health information=Informata rreth disqeve qδ mbδshteten nδ SMART. Network subsystem information=Informata rreth subsistemeve tδ rrjetit Network adapters list=Lista e adapterδve tδ rrjetit List of network adapters connected to PCI and ISA Plug-n-Play bus=Lista e adapterδve tδ rrjetit, tδ cilat janδ tδ lidhura me Plug-n-Play Bus-in PCI und ISA. Modem, ISDN, DSL dial-up connections list=Lista e lidhjeve pδrmes tδ Modem-it, ISDN-it dhe DSL-it Network resources list=Lista e resorseve tδ rrjetit Outlook and Outlook Express accounts information=Informatat e kontos Outlook dhe Outlook Express Internet settings=Opcionet e internetit List of network routes=Lista e nyjeve tδ rrjetit Internet Explorer cookies list=Lista e Cooki-ve tδ Internet Explorer-it Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator and Opera visited places list=Lista e vendeve tδ vizituara me Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator dhe Opera DirectX devices information=Informatat e mjetit DirectX DirectX driver files list=Lista e skedarδve shtytδs DirectX DirectDraw and Direct3D display adapters information=Informatat e karteles grafike DirectDraw dhe Direct3D DirectSound audio adapters information=Informatat e karteles sδ zδrit DirectSound DirectMusic audio adapters information=Informatat e karteles sδ zδrit DirectMusic DirectInput input devices information=Informatat reth mjetit dhδnδs DirectInput DirectPlay network connections information=Informatat lidhδse tδ rrjetit me DirectPlay PCI, AGP, PnP, USB, PCMCIA devices list, printers information=Informata rreth PCI, AGP, PnP, USB, mjeteve PCMCIA, printerit Devices installed in the system=Mjetet e instaluara nδ sistem PCI, AGP, PnP, USB, PCMCIA devices and serial/parallel ports list=Lista rreth PCI, AGP, PnP, USB, mjeteve PCMCIA dhe porteve Seriale/Paralele PCI and AGP devices list=Lista e PCI dhe AGP mjeteve Device resources (IRQ, DMA, port, memory) list=Lista e resorseve tδ mjeteve (IRQ, DMA, Porteve, Memorjes) Keyboard, mouse, game controllers information=Informata rreth tastieres, miut dhe kontrolluesit tδ lojδs. Local and network printers list=Lista e printerδve lokal dhe nδ rrjet Software subsystem information=Informat rreth Software-it Programs launched at system startup=Programet tδ cilat u startuan me startimin e sistemit Scheduled tasks list=Lista e detyrave tδ planifikuara Installed programs list=Lista e programeve tδ instaluara Custom programs list=Lista e programeve tδ preferuara List of programs found by file scanning=Lista e programeve tδ gjetura gjatδ kδrkimit tδ skedarδve Software licenses list=List e software-it me licencδ Installed Windows updates list=Lista e instalacioneve me Windows Update Anti-virus softwares list, virus database information=Lista e antivirus-software-ve, informatat e datotekδs sδ virusδve Registered file types list=Lista e llojeve tδ skedarδve tδ regjistruar System configuration information=Informata rreth konfigurimit tδ sistemit Regional settings=Opcionet regjionale Environment variables list=Lista e variablave tδ rrethinδs Control Panel applets list=Lista e aplikacioneve pδr drejtimin e sistemit Recycle Bins information=Informata rreth shportδs sδ mbeturinave System files content=Pδrmbajtja e skedarδve tδ sistemit System folders list=Lista e follderδve tδ sistemit Event logs content=Pδrmbajtja e pamjes sδ ndodhive Database, BDE, ODBC information=Informatat e datotekδs, BDE, ODBC Database drivers list=Lista e shtytδsve tδ datotekave BDE drivers list=Lista e shtytδsve BDE ODBC drivers list=Lista e shtytδsve ODBC ODBC data sources list=Lista e datotekave ODBC Add report files=Shto skedarδt e raporteve Add reports from database=Shto raportet nga datoteka Measure system performance=Mate aftδsinδ e sistemit Measure memory subsystem read performance=Mate shpejtδsinδ e leximit tδ memorjes ndδrmjetsuese Measure memory subsystem write performance=Mate shpejtδsinδ e shkrimit tδ memorjes ndδrmjetsuese Network audit statistics=Statistika e kontrollimit tδ rrjetit Network audit list (by computer)=Lista e kontrollimit tδ rrjetit (Kopjuteri) Network audit list (by component)=Lista e kontrollimit tδ rrjetit(Komponentet) // tips Problems & Suggestions=Probleme dhe udhδzime Suggestion=Udhδzim Problem=Problem Fault=Gabim This may cause performance penalty.=Mund tδ shkaktoj ngadalsimin e kompjuterit. Disk free space is only %d%% on drive %s.=Disku %s posedom vetδm %d%% memorje tδ lirδ. No CPU L2 cache found.=Nuk posedon CPU L2 Cache. Pentium FDIV bug detected! Please contact Intel Corporation for assistance.=Gjeta Pentium FDIV bug! Pδr tδ kδrkuar ndihmδ drejtojuni Intel Corporation. Most 3D games run better with at least 256 KB L2 cache.=Shumica e lojrave 3D funksionojnδ mδ mirδ me 256 KB L2 Cache. Modern 3D games may require at least 1 GHz CPU.=Lojrave moderne 3D u nevojitet sδpaku njδ 1 GHz CPU. For optimum performance, Windows 9x requires at least 100 MHz CPU.=Pδr shpejtδsi optimale u nevojitet sδpaku Windows 9x dhe njδ CPU me 100 MHz. For optimum performance, Windows 2000+ requires at least 300 MHz CPU.=Pδr shpejtδsi optimale u nevojitet sδpaku Windows 2000+ dhe njδ CPU me 300 MHz. MMX is not supported.=MMX nuk mbδshtet. SSE is not supported. Upgrade your CPU to speed up applications optimized for SSE.=SSE nuk mbδshtet. Bδni njδ Upgrade tδ CPU-sδ pδr tδ mbδshtetδ SSE. Less than 3 memory slots detected. Expanding system memory may become difficult.=Egzistojnδ mδ pak se 3 Slots pδr memorje. Zgjδrimi i memorjes do tδ jet i vδshtirδ. You have less than 32 MB system memory installed.=Keni tδ instaluar mδ pak se 32 MB memorje pune. Modern operating systems require at least 128 MB system memory for optimum performance.=Sistemeve operative moderne u nevojiten sδpaku 128 MB memorje pune pδr shpejtδsi optimale. 3D games may require at least 256 MB system memory for optimum performance.=Lojrave 3D u nevojiten sδpaku 256 MB memorje pune pδr shpejtδsi optimale. Server functions may require at least 256 MB system memory for optimum performance.=Kompjuterδve servues u nevojiten sδpaku 256 MB memorje pune pδr shpejtδsi optimale. Install more system memory to improve applications performance.=Zgjδrojeni memorjen e punδs pδr tδ pδrmirδsuar shpejtδsinδ e sistemit. Motherboard chipset cannot cache the whole system memory.=╟ipi i pllakδzδs amδ nuk mund tδ mbulojδ tδrδ memorjen e punδs. Motherboard chipset cannot handle more memory.=╟ipi i memorjes nuk mund tδ pδrdorδ mδ tepδr memorje pune. External cache is asynchronous.=Cache-i ekstern punon nδ mδnyrδ asinkrone. External cache is disabled.=Cache-i ekstern δshtδ deaktivizuar. Slow memory (FPM / EDO / BEDO) detected. Upgrade to SDRAM or RDRAM if possible.=Memorja e punδs δshtδ e ngadalshme (FPM / EDO / BEDO). Nδse δshtδ e mundshme atδherδ vendosni memorjen SDRAM apo RDRAM. Modern 3D games require fast memory (DDR SDRAM / RDRAM).=Lojrat moderne pδrdorin memorje mδ tδ shpejta pune (DDR SDRAM / RDRAM). AGP is disabled.=AGP δshtδ deaktivizuar. AGP aperture size is more than half of the system memory size.=Madhδsia e transportimit nδ AGP δshtδ mδ shumδ se gjysma e madhδsisδ sδ memorjes sδ sistemit. Current AGP speed is lower than maximum supported.=Shpejtδsia aktuele e AGP δshtδ mδ e vogδl se ajo qδ mbδshtetet maksimalisht. System BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.=BIOS i sistemit δshtδ mδ i vjetδr se 2 vjet. Shikoni se a egziston ndonjδ update. Video BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.=Video BIOS δshtδ mδ i vjetδr se 2 vjet. Shikoni se a egziston ndonjδ update. Only 1 CPU installed, you should change to uniprocessor HAL.=╦shtδ vetδm njδ procesor i instaluar, do tδ duhej ta ndryshoni nδ uniprocesorit. Your system seems to be ready to run Windows 2000+. Consider upgrading to it.=Sistemi juaj posedon aftδsi tδ punoj me Windows 2000/XP. Mundδsia egziston qδ tδ instaloni kδtδ sistem. Your system seems to be ready to run Windows 98/Me. Consider upgrading to it.=Sistemi juaj posedon aftδsi tδ punoj me Windows 98/ME. Mundδsia egziston qδ tδ instaloni kδtδ sistem. Service Pack is outdated. Service Pack 5+ is recommended under Windows NT.=Service Pack δshtδ vjetruar. Pδr Windows NT rekomandohet Service Pack 5 apo nδ i ri. Windows is now running for more than 10 days. Restart may improve performance.=Windows ekzekutohet mδ tepδr se 10 ditδ tanimδ. Bδni njδ ristartim pδr tδ pδrmirδsuar shpejtδsinδ e ekzekutimit. Internet Explorer is outdated. Version 5.0 or later is recommended.=Internet Explorer δshtδ vjetruar. Ju rekomadkojmδ verzionin 5.0 apo mδ tδ ri. DirectX not found. Modern applications and games require it.=Nuk mund tδ gjej DirectX. Programeve dhe lojrave moderne u nevojitet DirectX. DirectX is outdated. Modern games may require DirectX 7+.=DirectX δshtδ vjetruar. Lojrat moderne pδrdorin sδpaku DirectX 7 apo mδ tδ ri. Less than 4 MB video memory found. Upgrade your video card for better performance.=Gjeta mδ pak se 4 MB video memorje. Njδ kartelδ e re grafike me mδ tepδr memorje do tδ rriste shpejtδsinδ e ekzekutimit. Modern 3D games may require at least 32 MB video memory.=Lojrave moderne 3D u nevojitet sδpaku 32MB video memorje. Increase resolution for better visual quality.=Pδr kualitet mδ tδ lartδ tδ fotografive rriteni rezolucionin e ekranit. Increase color depth for better visual quality.=Pδr kualitet mδ tδ lartδ tδ fotografive rriteni thellδsinδ e ngjyrave. Some applications may run better in 32-bit color mode.=Disa programe punojnδ mδ mirδ me njδ thellδsi ngjyrash prej 32-Bit-δve. Using large fonts may cause visual problems in applications not prepared for it.=Pδrdorimi i shkrimeve tδ mδdha shkakton problem pδr ata programe tδ cilat nuk kanδ parapa njδ gjδ tδ tillδ. At least 85 Hz vertical refresh rate is recommended for classic displays.=Ju rekomandojmδ sδpaku 85 Hz fekuencδ vertikale tδ pδrsδritjes sδ fotografive pδr ekrane normale. Enable IP header compression to increase network speed.=Vendosni komprimuesin e IP-Header-it pδr tδ rritδ shpejtδsinδ e rrjetit. Enable software compression to increase network speed.=Vendosni komprimuesin e software-it pδr tδ rritδ shpejtδsinδ e rrjetit. 32-bit Rendering is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Nuk mbδshtetδ paraqitjen 32-Bit-ore. Disa lojrave moderne 3D u nevojitet njδ gjδ e tillδ. Z-Buffer is not supported. Modern 3D games require it.=Nuk mbδshtetet Z-puferi. Disa lojrave moderne 3D u nevojitet njδ gjδ e tillδ. 32-bit Z-Buffer is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Nuk mbδshtetet 32-Bit Z-puferi. Disa lojrave moderne 3D u nevojitet njδ gjδ e tillδ. Anisotropic Filtering is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Nuk mbδshtetet filtrimi joizotropik. Disa lojrave moderne 3D u nevojitet njδ gjδ e tillδ. Stencil Buffers is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Nuk mbδshtetet puferi Stencil. Disa lojrave moderne 3D u nevojitet njδ gjδ e tillδ. Hardware Transform & Lighting is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Nuk mbδshtetet Hardware Transform & Lighting. Disa lojrave moderne 3D u nevojitet njδ gjδ e tillδ. // preferences Long Pages=Pδrshkrim i gjδrδ Security Grade=Shkalla e sigurisδ New Item=Fushδ e re Modify Item=Ndrysho fushδn General=Nδ pδrgjithδsi Stability=Stabiliteti Layout=Pamja Security=Siguria Report Look=Pamja e raportit Schedule=Planifikuesi i task-ut E-mail=E-Mail Database=Datoteka Remote Control=Kontrolli i largδt Custom Components=Komponentet e vetvendosura Asset Profile=Profili aktiv Custom Programs=Programet e preferuara File Scanner=Skenuesi i skedarδve Computer primary role:=Roli kryesor i kompjuterit: &General=&Nδ pδrgjithδsi 3&D Gaming=Lojra &3D &Server=&Serveri &Full name:=E&mri: &E-mail address:=E-Ma&il adresa &Load device driver under Win95/98/Me=&Thδrras shtytδsit e mjetit pδr Win95/98/ME Lo&ad device driver under WinNT/2000/XP/2003=T&hδrras shtytδsit e mjetit pδr WinNT/2000/XP/2003 Low-level &MSR operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Udhδzimet &MSR tδ afδrta tδ sistemit (Nδ raste tδ rralla shkaktojnδ kolaps tδ sistemit) Low-level &PCI bus operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Udhδzimet &PCI tδ afδrta tδ sistemit (Nδ raste tδ rralla shkaktojnδ kolaps tδ sistemit) Low-level &SMBus operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Udhδzimet &SMBus tδ afδrta tδ sistemit (Nδ raste tδ rralla shkaktojnδ kolaps tδ sistemit) Low-level s&ensor operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Udhδzimet sen&zorike tδ afδrta tδ sistemit (Nδ raste tδ rralla shkaktojnδ kolaps tδ sistemit) Display XP-style icons=Trego ikonat e stilit XP Enable "ASPI" page=Aktivizo faqet "ASPI" Enable "Audio Codecs" page=Aktivizo faqet "Audiokodeks" Enable "DMI" page=Aktivizo faqet "DMI" Enable "OpenGL" page=Aktivizo faqet "OpenGL" Enable "DirectX" menu=Aktivizo menynδ "DirectX" Enable "Config" menu=Aktivizo menynδ "Opcionet" Enable "Database" menu=Aktivizo menynδ e "Datotekδs" Enable "Benchmark" menu=Aktivizo menynδ "Benchmark" Extended "Event Logs" page=Faqja e zgjδruar e "Pamja e ndodhive" Sort menu and submenu items alphabeticially=Sorto nδ mδnyrδ alfabetike menytδ dhe submenytδ Limit long pages to 100 items=Kufizo pδrshkrimin e zgjδruar nδ 100 pδrfaqδsues Hide icon and bubble in Notification Area=Fsheh ikonat dhe lajmet nδ sekcionin e udhδzimeve Remember main window position=Depono pozitδn e dritares kryesore Remember main window size=Depono madhδsinδ e dritares kryesore Display original CPU clock for mobile Intel processors=Pasqyro orδn origjinale tδ CPU-sδ pδr procesorin mobil tδ Intel-it Report format:=Formati i raportit: Plain Text=Tekst i thjeshtδ &Compress reports before saving to file=&Komprimo raportet para deponimit C&ompress reports before sending in e-mail=K&omprimo raportet para dδrgimit me E-Mail Compress &reports before uploading to FTP=Dendδso &raportin para se tδ ngarkohet me FTP E&nable report header=&Aktivizo kontrollimin e raportit Ena&ble report footer=Aktivizo f&usnotat Include &debug information in the report=Raport sδbashku me &Debug informata Sho&w computer name in caption of the first report page=Trego emr&in e kompjuterit nδ ballδ tδ faqes sδ parδ File &name:=&Emri i skedarit: File extension:=Prapashtesa e skedarit: Output &folder:=&Folderi deponues: A&utomatic=&Automatik &Always:=&Gjithnjδ: Normal Font=Shkrimi standard Page Caption Font=Shkrimi i titullit Device Caption Font=Shkrimi i titullit tδ mjetit Background color:=Ngjyra e prapavisδ: Name:=Emri: Size:=Madhδsia: Color:=Ngjyra: Style:=Stili: Colors=Ngjyrat Bold=Trash Italic=Pjerrtas Restore Default &Values=&Rikthe Opcionet bazδ Command-line options are limited to make report:=Opcionet e rrejshtit komandues janδ tδδ kufizuara pδr tδ bδrδ raportin: &Anytime=Gji&thnjδ Once a &day=╟&do ditδ Once a &week=Njδ &herδ nδ javδ Once a &fortnight=╟do dy ja&vδ Once a &month=╟do m&uaj Store last run date in:=Depono datδn e fundit startuese nδ: Custom file:=Skedari i zakonshδm: "&To:" address:="&Drejtuar:" Adresδs: "&Cc:" address:="&Cc:" Adresδs: "&Bcc:" address:="&Bcc:" Adresδs: Embed T&XT reports to e-mail body=Mvishja raportin T&XT trupit tδ e-mail-it &Display name:=&Emri: Ser&ver:=Ser&veri: SMT&P Port:=Porti SMT&P: &Internet:=&Internet: &Local folder:=&Follderi lokal: &Modify=Ndry&sho &All=&Tδ gjithδ Author=Autori &Default=&Standard Select output folder:=Zgjidh follderin dalδs: Select local folder:=Zgjidh follderin lokal: Select report folder:=Zgjidh follderin e raportit: Select BULK INSERT folder:=Zgjidh follderin BULK INSERT: Confirm Item Delete=Vδrteto zhlyerjen e tδ dhδnave Are you sure you want to delete '%s'?=A jeni i sigurt se doni tδ zhlyeni '%s'? Confirm Multiple Item Delete=Vδrteto zhlyerjen e shumδ tδ dhδnave Are you sure you want to delete these %d items?=A jeni i/e sigurt se dδshironi tδ zhdukni %d element/e? F&TP port:=Porti F&TP: FTP &folder:=Follderi &FTP: Use P&assive Mode=Pδrdor mod&usin pasiv P&rovider:=P&rovider-i: Data &source:=&Data burimore: Data&base:=Datote&ka: &Driver:=&Shtytδsit: &User:=&Pδrdoruesi: &Password:=Fjal&δkalimi: Use &Windows authentication=Pδrdor lajmδrimin nδ &Windows Use &automatic identity increment=Pδrdor inkrementimin &automatik tδ identitetit Use &MySQL optimization (requires MySQL 3.22.5 or later)=Pδrdor optimimin &MySQL (Pδrdor verzionin MySQL 3.22.5 apo mδ vonδ) Use BU&LK INSERT (requires a network folder with write permission)=Pδrdor BU&LK INSERT (Iu nevojitet njδ follder rrjeti me tδ drejtδ pδr tδ shkruar) BULK INSERT &folder:=&Follderi BULK INSERT: Not a UNC path=S'δshtδ shteg UNC Select Database File=Zgjidhe skedarin e datotekδs &Test=&Testim C&onfigure=&Konfiguro Enable remote file &browsing=&Aktivizo kδrkimin e largδt tδ skedarδve Enable remote screen &shot=A&ktivizo Screenshot-in e largδt Enable remote program &launch=Akt&ivizo startimin e largδt tδ programeve Enable remote server sh&utdown=Ak&tivizo τkyqjen e server-it tδ largδt Enable remote &turn off, restart, log off=Aktivi&zo τkyqjen, ristartimin dhe τlajmrimin e largδt T&CP/IP Port:=Porti T&CP/IP: &All incoming connections are accepted=&Prano tδ gjitha lidhjet hyrδse Connections are accepted only from the following &computers:=Lejohen vetδm lidhjet me &kompjuterδt qδ pasojnδ: Connections are accepted only from the following &users:=Lejohen vetδm lidhjet me pδrdor&uesit qδ pasojnδ: Connections are accepted only from the following &IP addresses:=Lejohen vetδm lidhjet me &IP-Adresat qδ pasojnδ: Shot type:=LLoji Screenshot: &Full screen=&Mbush ekranin Active &Window=&Dritarja aktive C&ompression quality:=Kualiteti i k&omprimimit: 1: worst, 99: best=1: keq, 99: shumδ mirδ &Check if a specified file in a specified folder exists=&Shiko se a egziston skedari i specifikuar nδ follderin e specifikuar C&heck if a specified folder exists=S&hiko sa e egziston follderi i specifikuar &Scan a folder to find a file=&Kδrko follderin pδr tδ gjetur skedarin Folder name may contain one of the following control strings=Emri i follderit mund tδ pδrmbaj njδ nga vargjet kontrolluese nδ vazhdim Scan scope:=Kδrko hapsirδn: &No file scanning=S'kemi k&δrkim skedarδsh Scan all &local disks=Kδrko tδ gjitha disqet &lokale &Scan system drive=&Kδrko disqet e sistemit Scan &C: drive=Kδrko disku &C: Scan &ProgramFiles folder=Kδrko follderin &ProgramFiles Scan ProgramFiles and &Windows folder=Kδrko follderin ProgramFiles dhe &Windows Filter:=Filteri: &All files=&Tδ gjithδ skedarδt &Executable files=Skedarδt ek&zekutues &DLL files=Skedarδt &DLL A&udio files=Skedarδt &Audio &Video files=&Video skedarδt &Misc files:=&Skedarδ tδ pδrzier: // info menu Report=Raporti Remarks=Vδrejtje Computer=Kompjuteri Motherboard=Pllakδza amδ Operating System=Sistemi operativ Server=Serveri Display=Pamja Multimedia=Multimedia Storage=Disqet Input=Dhδnje Network=Rrjeti Devices=Mjetet Software=Software Config=Konfigurim Misc=Tδ ndryshme Benchmark=Pδrshtatje Audit=Kontrollim // custom variables &Registry entry=Hyrja nδ &Registry &Environment variable=&Variablat e rrethinδs Line of text &file=Rrjeshti i skedarit tδ &tekstit File=Skedari Line number=Numri i rrjeshtit // info menuitems Summary=Pamja Computer Name=Emri i kompjuterit CPU=CPU Memory=Memorja Chipset=╟ipi Overclock=Overclock Power Management=Opcionet e enregjisδ Sensor=Senzorδt Windows=Windows Processes=Proceset e ekzekutuara System Drivers=Shtytδsit e sistemit Services=Servisδt AX Files=Skedarδt AX DLL Files=Skedarδt DLL UpTime=Dhezδ Share=Pδrdorim i pδrbashkδt Opened Files=Skedarδt e hapur Account Security=Siguria e kontos Logon=Lajmδrim Users=Pδrdoruesi Local Groups=Grupet lokale Global Groups=Grupet globale Windows Video=Windows Video PCI / AGP Video=PCI / AGP Video GPU=Njδsia e procesorit grafik (GPU) Monitor=Ekrani Desktop=Desktop Multi-Monitor=Multi-Ekran Fonts=Shkrimet Windows Audio=Windows Audio PCI / PnP Audio=PCI / PnP Audio Audio Codecs=Audiokodeksi Video Codecs=Videokodeksi Windows Storage=Disqet e Windows-it Logical Drives=Disqet logjike Physical Drives=Disqet fizike SMART=SMART Keyboard=Tastierja Mouse=Miu Game Controller=Kontrolluesi i lojδs Windows Network=Rrjeti i Windows-it PCI / PnP Network=Rrjeti PCI / PnP Net Resources=Resurset e rrjetit Internet=Interneti Routes=Nyjet IE Cookie=IE Cookie Browser History=Historia e brouzerit DirectX Files=Skedarδt DirectX DirectX Video=DirectX Video DirectX Sound=Zδri DirectX DirectX Music=Muzika DirectX DirectX Input=Dhδnja DirectX DirectX Network=Rrjeti DirectX Windows Devices=Mjetet e Windows-it Physical Devices=Mjetet fizike Device Resources=Resurset e mjeteve Printers=Printerδt Auto Start=Auto startuesi Scheduled=Planifikuesi i taskut Installed Programs=Programet e instaluara Licenses=Licencat Windows Update=Windows Update Anti-Virus=Anti-Virus File Types=Llojet e skedarδve Regional=Opcionet regjionale dhe tδ gjuhδs Environment=Variablat e rrethinδs Control Panel=Kontrolluesi i sistemit Recycle Bin=Shporta e mbeturinave System Files=Skedarδt e sistemit System Folders=Follderat e sistemit Event Logs=Protokoli i ndodhive Database Drivers=Shtytδsit e datotekδs BDE Drivers=Shtytδsit BDE ODBC Drivers=Shtytδsit ODBC ODBC Data Sources=Tδ dhδnat burimore ODBC Memory Read=Leximi i memorjes Memory Write=Shkrimi i memorjes // column captions Page=Faqe Field=Fusha Value=Vlera Type=Lloji Class=Klasa Process Name=Emri i procesit Process File Name=Emri i skedarit tδ procesit Used Memory=Memorja e pδrdorur Used Swap=Skedari pδr ndδrmjetsim Window Caption=Titulli i dritares Driver Name=Emri i shtytδsit Driver Description=Pδrshkrimi i mjetit State=Statuti Service Name=Emri i servisit Service Description=Pδrshkrimi i servisit Account=Konto AX File=Skedari AX DLL File=Skedari DLL Protected File=Skedari i mbrojtur Share Name=Emri i pδrbashkδt Remark=Vδrejtje Local Path=Shtegu lokal User=Pδrdoruesi Path=Shtegu Full Name=Emri i plotδ Logon Server=Serveri hyrδs Group Name=Emri i grupit Device Description=Pδrshkrimi i mjetit Device Type=Lloji i mjetit Monitor Name=Emri i ekranit Device ID=ID e mjetit Primary=Primar Upper Left Corner=Kδndi lart majtas Bottom Right Corner=Kδndi posht djathtas Device=Mjeti Driver=Shtytδsit Drive=Disqet Drive Type=Lloji i diskut Volume Label=Emri i diskut File System=Sistemi i skedarδve Volume Serial=Numri serik Total Size=Kapaciteti i memorjes Used Space=Vendi nδ pδrdorim Free Space=Memorja e lirδ % Free=% tδ lirδ Drive #%d=Disku #%d Partition=Particioni Partitions=Particionet Partition Type=Lloji i particionit Start Offset=Fillimi i particionit Partition Length=Madhδsia e particionit Active=Aktiv Persistent=Prezent Model ID=ID e modelit Host=Host-i Model=Modeli Extra Information=Informatat shtojcδ Revision=Revizioni Attribute Description=Pδrshkrimi i vetive Threshold=Vlera kufitare Worst=Vlera mδ e dobδt Data=Datat Network Adapter Description=Pδshkrimi i adapterit tδ rrjetit Device Name=Emri i mjetit Clock=Frekuenca Processor Identifier=Identifikuesi i procesorit Processor Name=Emri i procesorit Account ID=ID e kontos Default=Standard Account Type=Lloji i kontos Account Name=Emri i kontos Last Access=Hyrja e fundit Resource=Resurset Printer Name=Emri i printerit Start From=Starto nga Application Description=Pδrshkrim i programit Application Command=Udhδzim i programit Task Name=Emri i Task-ut Program=Programi Inst. Size=Madhδsia e Inst. Inst. Date=Data e Inst. File Name=Emri i skedarit File Size=Madhδsia e skedarit Extension=Prapashtesa File Type Description=Pδrshkrim i llojit tδ skedarit Content Type=Lloji i pδrmbajtjes Variable=Variabla Items Size=Madhδsia e tδ dhδnave Items Count=Numri i tδ dhδnave Space %=Kujtesδ % Driver File Name=Emri i skedarit shtytδs File Extensions Supported=Prapashtesat e njohura tδ skedarδve Data Source Name=Emri i skedarit burimor Data Source Description=Pδrshkrimi i skedarit burimor System Folder=Follderi i sistemit Identifier=Identifikuesi Read Speed=Shpejtδsia e leximit Write Speed=Shpejtδsia e shkrimit Log Name=Emri i lajmδrimit Event Type=Lloji i ndodhisδ Category=Kategoria Generated On=Krijuar nδ Source=Burimi Font Family=Familja e shkrimeve Style=Stili Character Set=Pδrbledhja e shenjave Char. Size=Madhδsia e shenjave Char. Weight=Gjδrδsia e shenjave Software Description=Pδrshkrim i software-it Software Version=Verzioni i software-it Virus Database Date=Data e datotekδs sδ virusδve Known Viruses=Virusδt e njohur Pixel=Pixel Line=Rrjesht Rectangle=Katδrkδndδsh Ellipse=Elipsδ Text=Tekst Rating=Klasδ Language=Gjuha Component=Komponentet Computers=Kompjuterδt Net Destination=Caku nδ rrjet Netmask=Maska e rrjetit (Netmask) Metric=Metrik // treeview content System=Sistemi Chassis=Shasija Memory Controller=Kotrolli i memorjes Processors=Procesorδt Caches=Cache-i Memory Modules=Modulet e memorjes Memory Devices=Aparati i memorjes System Slots=Slot-δt e sistemit Port Connectors=Lidhδsi i porteve On-Board Devices=On-Board Komponenten // listview value Yes=Po No=Jo Supported=Mbδshtetet Not Supported=Nuk mbδshtetet Enabled=Aktiv Disabled=Joaktiv None=S'ka Unknown=Nuk njihet Built-In=Ndδrtuar day=ditδ days=ditδt hour=ora hours=orδt min=Min. sec=Sek. bytes=Byte char=shenjδ chars=shenja item=pikδ items=pika attempt=tentim attempts=tentime million=Mio. million bytes=Mio. Byte No Quota=s'ka kontingjent Not Installed=S'δshtδ instaluar Not Specified=S'δshtδ specifikuar Not Specified (IE Default)=S'δshtδ specifikuar (Standard IE) Normal=Normal Reduced=Reduktuar Extended=Zgjδruar Hidden=Fshehur Minimized=Minimal Maximized=Maksimal Stopped=Ndalδ Starting=Startim Stopping=Ndalje Running=Ekzekutohet Continuing=Duke vazhduar Pausing=Pauzim Paused=Pauzδ %s sec (%s days, %s hours, %s min, %s sec)=%s Sek. - (%s ditδ, %s Orδ, %s Min., %s Sek.) Kernel Driver= File System Driver=Shtytδsi i Sitemit tδ skedarδve Own Process=Proces personal Share Process=Proces i pδrbashkδt Local Disk=Disk lokal Network Drive=Disk rrjeti Removable Disk=Disk qδ ndrrohet RAM Disk=RAM-Disk vendor-specific=Specifkδ e ofruesit OK: Always passing=OK: Pa gabime Fail: Always failing=Gabim: Ka ndodhδ njδ gabim OK: Value is normal=OK: Vlera δshtδ normale Advisory: Usage or age limit exceeded=Kδshillδ: ╦shtδ tejkaluar koha e pδrdorimit apo e vjetδrsisδ. Pre-Failure: Imminent loss of data is being predicted=Para-gabim: Paralajmδroj humbjen e tδ dhδnave ! Left=Majtas Right=Djathtas Connected=Lidhδ Disconnected=Ndarδ Not Connected=Nuk δshtδ kyτδ Present=Prezent Not Present=Nuk δshtδ prezent Dynamic=Dinamik Personal=Personal Confidential=Nδ besim Streamer=Streamer Processor=Procesor WORM Drive=WORM disk Scanner=Scanner Optical Drive=Disku optik Comm. Device=Mjet komunikimi Other Peripheral=Mjet periferik Host Adapter=Adapter host-i Entire Network=Rrjeti nδ tδrδsi Mail=Mesazh News=Risi Other=Tjetδr Empty=Thatδ In Use=Nδ pδrdorim Short=Shkurt Long=Gjat Safe=Sigurt Information=Informatat Warning=Kujdesδ Critical=Kritik Non-recoverable=S'mund tδ rregullohet Not Determinable=S'mund tδ definohet APM Timer=APM Timer Modem Ring=Zilja e Modem-it LAN Remote=LAN Remote Power Switch=Ndδrprerδsi AC Power Restored=Rryma δshtδ vendosur Tower=Tower Mini Tower=Minitower Desktop Case=Desktop case Low Profile Desktop=Profili i ulδt i Desktop-it Internal=Intern External=Ekstern Hardware=Hardware Input Port=Input port Output Port=Output port Exclusive=Eksklusiv Shared=I pδrbashkδt Undetermined=I papδrcaktuar Portrait=Portret Landscape=Peisazh Not yet run=Ende nuk δshtδ ekzekutuar No more runs=S'mund tδ ekzekutohet mδ Not scheduled=Nuk δshtδ planifikuar Terminated=Pδrfundoj No valid triggers=S'ka shkaktar tδ vlefshδm No event trigger=S'ka shkaktar tδ ndodhisδ Charging=Duke mbushur Battery=Baterinδ No Battery=Pa bateri AC Line=Rrymδ Low Level=Niveli i ulδt High Level=Niveli i lartδ Critical Level=Niveli kritik +Metric=+Metrik U.S.=U.S. Folder=Follder Week %d=Java e %d DMI information may be inaccurate or corrupted=Informata DMI nuk janδ tδ sakta ose janδ ndryshuar. Accuracy of DMI data cannot be guaranteed=S'mund tδ garantohet saktδsia e tδ dhδnave DMI. The above statistics are based on System Event Log entries=Statistikat e mδsipδrme bazohen nδ ndodhitδ e sistemit This computer=Ky kompjuter Application=Programi Event=Ndodhi Event Properties=Vetitδ e ndodhisδ Event ID=ID e ndodhisδ Update=Update Service Pack=Service Pack Report Disabled=Deaktivizo raportin %s (%s free)=%s (%s lirδ) Not shared=Nuk δshδ i/e pδrbashkδt Always=Gjithnjδ Internal Cache=Cache intern External Cache=Cache ekstern Raster Display=Pamje e rasteruar Mono=Mono Stereo=Stereo %d-bit=%d Bit %s KB=%s KB %s MB=%s MB %s GB=%s GB %s Hz=%s Hz %s kHz=%s kHz %s MHz=%s MHz // listview field Purchase ID=ID e blerjes Date of Purchase=Data e blerjes Value of Purchase=Vlera e blerjes Date of Last Repair=Data e riparimit tδ fundit Value of Last Repair=Vlera e riparimit tδ fundit Department=Departamenti Owner's Name=Emri i poseduesit Owner's Phone Number=Numri i telefonit tδ poseduesit User's Name=Emri i pδrdoruesit User's Phone Number=Emri i pδrdoruesit User Name=Emri i pδrdoruesit Logon Domain=Lajmδrim nδ domain Date / Time=Data / Ora Report File=Skedari i raportit CPU Type=Lloji i CPU-sδ CPU Cooler=Ftohδsi i CPU-sδ CPU2 Cooler=Ftohδsi i CPU2 Motherboard Name=Emri i pllakδzδs amδ Motherboard Chipset=╟ipi i pllakδzδs amδ System Memory=Memorja e punδs BIOS Type=Lloji i BIOS-it Communication Port=Porti pδr ndδrlidhje (COM und LPT) Video Adapter=Kartela grafike 3D Accelerator=Shpejtδsuesi 3D Audio Adapter=Kartela e zδrit Floppy Drive=Floppi-Disk Disk Drive=Hard-Disk Network Adapter=Kartela e rrjetit Peripherals=Mjetet periferike PCI Device=Mjetet PCI USB Device=Mjetet USB Printer=Printeri Custom Variables=Variablat e vetvendosura Custom Variable #%d=Variabla e vetvendosur %d FireWire Controller=Kontrolluesi FireWire Infrared Controller=Kontrolluesi infra i kuq USB1 Controller=USB1 kontrolluesi USB2 Controller=USB2 kontrolluesi IDE Controller=Kontrolluesi IDE SCSI/RAID Controller=Kontrolluesi SCSI/RAID Computer Comment=Komentimi i kompjuterit NetBIOS Name=Emri i NetBIOS-it DNS Host Name=Emri i Host-it DNS DNS Domain Name=Emri i domenit DNS Fully Qualified DNS Name=Emri i vδrtetuar i DNS Logical=Logjik Physical=Fizik BIOS Properties=BIOS Vetitδ Vendor=Ofruesi Version=Verzioni Release Date=Data e lδshimit Size=Madhδsia Boot Devices=Mjetet pδr startim (boot) Capabilities=Aftδsitδ Supported Standards=Standardet qδ mbδshteten Expansion Capabilities=Aftδsitδ pδr zgjδrim System Properties=Vetitδ e sistemit Manufacturer=Prodhuesi Product=Produkti Serial Number=Numri serik Universal Unique ID=ID univerzale unike Wake-Up Type=Tipi i startimit Motherboard Properties=Vetitδ e pllakδzδs amδ Front Side Bus Properties=Vetitδ e Front Side Bus-it Bus Type=Lloji i Bus-it Bus Width=Gjδrδsia e Bus-it Real Clock=Takti real Effective Clock=Takti efektiv Bandwidth=Gjδrsia e informatave Memory Bus Properties=Vetitδ e Bus-it tδ memorjes Chipset Bus Properties=Vetitδ e Bus-it tδ τipit Chassis Properties=Vetitδ e shasisδ Asset Tag=Etiketi Chassis Type=Lloji i shasisδ Chassis Lock=Dryri i shasisδ Boot-Up State=Statuti Boot-Up Power Supply State=Statuti i energjisδ Thermal State=Statuti i nxehtδsisδ Security Status=Statuti i sigurisδ Memory Controller Properties=Vetitδ e kontrolluesit tδ memorjes Error Detection Method=Metoda pδr gjetjen e gabimeve Error Correction=Korigjuesi i gabimeve Supported Memory Interleave=Interleave-i i mbδshtetur i memorjes Current Memory Interleave=Interleave-i aktual i memorjes Supported Memory Speeds=Shpejtδsia e memorjes qδ mbδshtetet Supported Memory Types=Llojet e memorjes qδ mbδshteten Supported Memory Voltages=Tensioni i memorjes qδ mbδshtetet Maximum Memory Module Size=Madhδsia maksimale e modulit tδ memorjes Processor Properties=Vetitδ e procesorit External Clock=Takti ekstern Maximum Clock=Takti maksimal Current Clock=Takti aktual Voltage=Tensioni Status=Statuti Socket Designation=Emδrtimi i Socket-it Part Number=Nurmi i pjesδs Upgrade=Upgrade Cache Properties=Vetitδ e cache-it Speed=Shpejtδsia Operational Mode=Modusi i punδs Associativity=Kyτja Maximum Size=Madhδsia maksimale Installed Size=Madhδsia e instaluar Supported SRAM Type=Lloji i mbδshtetur i SRAM-it Current SRAM Type=LLoi aktual i SRAM-it Memory Module Properties=Vetitδ e memorjes sδ punδs Enabled Size=Madhδsia e aktivizuar Memory Device Properties=Vetitδ e memorjes Form Factor=Forma e ndδrtitmit (Form Factor) Type Detail=Detalet e tipit Total Width=Gjδrδsia totale Data Width=Gjδrδsia e tδ dhδnave Device Locator=Pδrcaktuesi i mjetit Bank Locator=Pδrcaktuesi i bankδs System Slot Properties=Vetitδ e slot-it Slot Designation=Emδrtimi i slot-it Usage=Pδrdorimi Data Bus Width=Gjδrδsia e Bus-it tδ tδ dhδnave Length=Gjatδsia Port Connector Properties=Vetitδ e lidhδses sδ portit Port Type=Lloji i portit Internal Reference Designator=Emδrtimi intern Internal Connector Type=Lloji i lidhδsit intern External Reference Designator=Emδrtimi ekstern External Connector Type=Lloji i lidhδsit ekstern On-Board Device Properties=Vetitδ e mjetit On-Board Description=Pδrshkrimi CPU Properties=Vetitδ e CPU-sδ CPU Alias=Emδrtimi i CPU-sδ CPU Stepping=CPU i shkallδzuar Original Clock=Takti origjinal L1 Code Cache=L1 Code Cache L1 Trace Cache=L1 Trace Cache L1 Data Cache=Cache L1 i tδ dhδnave L1 Cache=L1 Cache L2 Cache=L2 Cache L3 Cache=L3 Cache CPU Physical Info=Informatat teknike tδ CPU-sδ Package Type=Lloji i shasisδ Package Size=Madhδsia e shasisδ Transistors=Tranzistorδt Process Technology=Teknologjia e prodhimit Die Size=Madhδsia e shasisδ Core Voltage=Tensioni i bδrthamδs magnetike I/O Voltage=Tensioni I/O Typical Power=Energjia tipike Maximum Power=Energjia maksimale depending on clock speed=varret nga takti CPU Utilization=Ngarkimi i CPU-sδ CPU #%d=CPU #%d CPUID Properties=Vetitδ e CPUID CPUID Manufacturer=Prodhuesi i CPUID CPUID CPU Name=Emri i CPU-sδ sδ CPUID CPUID Revision=Revizioni i CPUID Extended CPUID Revision=Revizion i zgjδruar i CPUID IA Brand ID=IA Brand ID Platform ID=ID e platformδs IA CPU Serial Number=Numri serik i IA CPU-sδ Instruction Set=Tδrsia e udhδzimeve %s Instruction=Udhδzimi %s CPUID Features=Vetitδ e jashtδzakonshme tδ CPUID Motherboard Properties=Vetitδ e pllakδzδs amδ Motherboard ID=ID e pllakδzδs amδ Motherboard Physical Info=Informatat teknike tδ pllakδzδs amδ CPU Sockets/Slots=CPU Socket/Slot Expansion Slots=Slots pδr zgjδrim RAM Slots=Slots pδr RAM Integrated Devices=Mjetet e integruara Motherboard Size=Madhδsia e pllakδzδs amδ Extra Features=Vetitδ e jashtδzakonshme Motherboard Manufacturer=Prodhuesi i pllakδzδs amδ Company Name=Emri i kompanisδ Product Information=Informatat e prodhimit BIOS Download=Shkarkimi i BIOS-it Physical Memory=Memorja e punδs Total=Gjithδsejt Used=Nδ pδrdorim Free=Tδ lirδ Utilization=Tδ pδrdorur Swap Space=Skedari ndδrmjetsues Virtual Memory=Memorja virtuale Chipset Properties=Vetitδ e τipit External Cache Size=Madhδsia e cache-it tδ jashtδm External Cache Type=Lloji i cache-it tδ jashtδm External Cache Status=Statuti i cache-it tδ jashtδm Integrated Graphics Controller=Kontrolluesi i integruar i grafikut Graphics Controller Type=Lloji i kontrolluesit tδ grafikut Graphics Controller Status=Statuti i kontrolluesit tδ grafikut Shared Memory Size=Madhδsia e memorjes sδ pδrbashkδt Graphics Frame Buffer Size=Madhδsia e puferit tδ Frame-it tδ grafikut AC'97 Audio Controller=Kontroluesi i zδrit AC'97 Audio Controller Type=Lloji i Audio-kontrolluesit Codec Name=Emri Codec Codec ID=Codec ID Memory Slots=Sllot-δt pδr memorje Memory Rows=Rreshtat e memorjes DRAM Slot #%d=Slot-i #%d i DRAM DRAM Row #%d=Rrjeshti #%d i DRAM AGP Properties=Vetitδ e AGP-sδ AGP Version=Verzioni i AGP-sδ AGP Status=Statuti i AGP-sδ AGP Aperture Size=Madhδsia e transportimit tδ AGP-sδ Supported AGP Speeds=Shpejtδsia e mbδshtetur e AGP-sδ Current AGP Speed=Shpejtδsia aktuale e AGP-sδ Chipset Manufacturer=Prodhuesi i τipit Award BIOS Type=Lloji i Award BIOS Award BIOS Message=Mesazhi i Award BIOS System BIOS Date=Data e BIOS tδ sistemit Video BIOS Date=Data e Video BIOS-it IBM BIOS Model Number=Numri i modelit IBM BIOS IBM BIOS Serial Number=Numri serik i IBM BIOS IBM BIOS Version=Verzioni i IBM BIOS BIOS Manufacturer=Prodhuesi i BIOS-it Sensor Properties=Vetitδ e senzorit Sensor Type=Lloji i senzorit Sensor Access=Kyτja e senzorit Temperatures=Temperatura Cooling Fans=Ftohδsi Voltage Values=Vlerat e tensionit CPU Diode=Dioda e CPU-sδ Temperature #%d=Temperatura %d Fan #%d=Ftohδsi %d CPU Core=Bδrthama e CPU CPU1 Core=Bδrthama e CPU1 CPU2 Core=Bδrthama e CPU2 CPU Aux=CPU AUX Power Supply=Furnizimi me rrymδ %s V Standby=%s V gati VBAT Battery=VBAT Bateri Operating System Properties=Vetitδ e sistemit operativ OS Name=Emri OS Code Name=Emri i kodit OS Language=Gjuha OS Kernel Type=Tipi i Kernel-it OS Version=Verzioni OS Service Pack=Service Pack OS Installation Date=Data e instalimit OS Root=Follderi i sistemit License Information=Informatat reth lincencimit Registered Owner=Pronari i regjistruar Registered Organization=Organizata e regjistruar Licensed Processors=Procesorδt e licencuar Product ID= ID e Produktit Product Key=Qelδsi i produktit Current Session=Sesioni momental UpTime=Koha qδ nga kyτja Components Version=Verzioni i komponenteve Internet Explorer Updates=Internet Explorer Updates .NET Framework=.NET Framework Operating System Features=Vetitδ e jashtδzakonshme tδ sistemit operativ Debug Version=Debug verzioni DBCS Version=DBCS verzioni Domain Controller=Kontrolluesi i Domain-it Network Present=Rrjeti δshtδ prezent Security Present=Siguria δshtδ prezente Remote Session=Sesion i largδt Safe Mode=Modusi i sigurisδ Slow Processor=Procesor i ngadalshδm Terminal Services=Serviset e terminalit Account Security Properties=Vetitδ e sigurisδ sδ kontos Computer Role=Roli i kompjuterit Domain Name=Emri i Domain-it Primary Domain Controller=Kontrolluesi primar i domain-it Forced Logoff Time=Koha e detyrueshme pδr τkyτje Min / Max Password Age=Vjetδrsia Min./Max. e fjalδkalimit Minimum Password Length=Gjatδsia minimale e fjalδkalimit Password History Length=Gjatδsia e mδparshme e fjalδkalimit Lockout Threshold=Arsyeja e leqitjes Lockout Duration=Kohδzgjatja e leqitjes Lockout Observation Window=Dritarja vδzhguese e leqitjes User Properties=Vetitδ e pδrdoruesit Comment=Komentar User Comment=Komentari i pδrdoruesit Home Folder=Follderi i pδrdoruesit Logon Script=Skripti i kyτjes Member Of Groups=Anδtar i grupit Logon Count=Lajmδrime Disk Quota=Kapaciteti i diskut User Features=Vetitδ e pδrdoruesit Logon Script Executed=Skripti pδr lajmδrim δshtδ ekzekutuar Account Disabled=Kontoja δshtδ deaktivizuar Locked Out User=Pδrdoruesi δshtδ leqitur Home Folder Required=Nevojitet follderi bazδ Password Required=Fjalδkalimi nevojitet Read-Only Password=Fjalδkalimi "Vetδm lexo" Password Never Expires=Fjalkalimit nuk i del afati kurr Local Group Properties=Vetitδ e grupeve lokale Group Members=Anδtarδt e grupit Global Group Properties=Vetitδ e grupeve globale Video Adapter Properties=Vetitδ e video adapterit Adapter String=Vargu i adapterδve BIOS String=Verzioni i BIOS Chip Type=Lloji i τipit DAC Type=Lloji DAC Installed Drivers=Shtytδsit e instaluar Memory Size=Madhδsia e memorjes Video Adapter Manufacturer=Prodhuesi i video adapterit Graphics Processor Properties=Vetitδ e procesorit grafik GPU Code Name=GPU Codename GPU Clock=Taktimi i GPU Warp Clock=Taktimi Warp RAMDAC Clock=Taktimi RAMDAC Pixel Pipelines=Pixel Pipelines TMU Per Pipeline=(TMU) / Pipeline Vertex Shaders=Vertex Shaders Pixel Shaders=Pixel Shaders DirectX Hardware Support=Ndihmuesi i hardware-it DirectX Graphics Processor Manufacturer=Prodhuesi i procesorit grafik Monitor Properties=Vetitδ e ekranit Monitor ID=ID e ekranit Monitor Type=Tipi i ekranit Manufacture Date=Data e prodhimit Max. Visible Display Size=Madhδsia maksimale e pamjes sδ ekranit Picture Aspect Ratio=Rasterimi i pikave tδ fotografisδ Horizontal Frequency=Frekuenca horizontale Vertical Frequency=Frekuenca vertikale Maximum Resolution=Rezolucioni maksimal DPMS Mode Support=Mbδshtetja DPMS Mode Supported Video Modes=Mbδshtetja e video modusit Monitor Manufacturer=Prodhuesi i ekranit Driver Download=Shkarkimi i shtytδsve Desktop Properties=Vetitδ e desktop-it Device Technology=Teknologjia e mjetit Resolution=Rezolucioni Color Depth=Thellδsia e ngjyrave Color Planes=Sipδrfaqja e ngjyrave Font Resolution=Rezolucioni i shkrimeve Pixel Width / Height=Pixel gjδrδsi / lartδsi Pixel Diagonal=Pixel Diagonale Vertical Refresh Rate=Freskimi vertikal Desktop Wallpaper=Fotoja e prapavisδ sδ Desktop-it Desktop Effects=Vetitδ e desktop-it Combo-Box Animation=Animimi i Combo-Box Drop Shadow Effect=Efektetet e hijδzimit Flat Menu Effect=Efekti i menyve tδ shtypura Font Smoothing=Rrafshimi i kδndeve tδ shkrimeve Full Window Dragging=Tδrheqje e plotδ e dritareve Gradient Window Title Bars=Trarδt gradient tδ titujve nδ Windows Hide Menu Access Keys=Fsheh shkronjat pδr ekzekutim tδ shpejtδ tδ menysδ Hot Tracking Effect=Efekti Hot Tracking Icon Title Wrapping=Titulli i ikonδs thehet nδ fund List-Box Smooth Scrolling=Rrotullimi bartδs i List-Box-it Menu Animation=Animim i menyve Menu Fade Effect=Efekt zhdukδs i menyve Minimize/Restore Animation=Minimalizo/Prapδso animimin Mouse Cursor Shadow=Hija e shδnjuesit tδ miut Selection Fade Effect=Zgjedhja e efektit zhdukδs ShowSounds Accessibility Feature=Cilδsia e kyτjes ShowSounds ToolTip Animation=Animim i Tooltip-it ToolTip Fade Effect=Efekti zhdukδs i ToolTip-it Windows Plus! Extension=Zgjδrimi i Windows Plus! OpenGL Properties=Vetitδ OpenGL OpenGL Features=Vetitδ e jashtδzakonshme tδ OpenGL ACM Driver Properties=Vetitδ e shtytδsve ACM Copyright Notice=Udhδzimet e tδ drejtave tδ kopjimit Driver Features=Vetitδ e jashtδzakonshme tδ shtytδsit Driver Version=Verzioni i shtytδsit MCI Device Properties=MCI vetitδ e mjetit Name=Emri MCI Device Features=MCI vetitδ e jashtδzakonshme tδ mjetit Compound Device=Mjet Compound File Based Device=Mjet i bazuar nδ skedarδ Can Eject=Mund tδ hedhδ jasht Can Play=Mund tδ luaj Can Play In Reverse=Mund tδ luaj nδ mδnyrδ reverzibile Can Record=Mund tδ inτizoj Can Save Data=Mund tδ deponoj tδ dhδnat Can Freeze Data=Mund tδ "ngurtδsoj" tδ dhδnat Can Lock Data=Mund t'i mbyllδ tδ dhδnat Can Stretch Frame=Mund tδ zgjδroj njδ kornizδ Can Stretch Input=Mund tδ zgjδroj njδ dhδnje Can Test=Mund tδ testoj Audio Capable=Posedon audio aftδsi Video Capable=Posedon video aftδsi Still Image Capable=Posedon foto aftδsi Optical Drive Properties=Vetitδ e disqeve optike Device Manufacturer=Prodhuesi i mjeteve ATA Device Properties=Vetitδ e mjeteve ATA ATAPI Device Properties=Vetitδ e mjeteve ATAPI Parameters=Parametrat LBA Sectors=Sektorδt LBA Buffer=Puferδt Multiple Sectors=Sektorδt e shumδfisht ECC Bytes=ECC Byte Max. PIO Transfer Mode=Modusi transportues maksimal PIO Max. UDMA Transfer Mode=Modusi transportues maksimal UDMA Active UDMA Transfer Mode=Modusi transportues aktiv UDMA Unformatted Capacity=Madhδsia e memorjes pa u formatuar ATA Device Features=Vetitδ e jashtδzakonshme tδ mjetit ATA Security Mode=Modusi i sigurisδ Advanced Power Management=Menagjmenti i energjisδ sδ avansuar (APM) Write Cache=Cache pδr t'u shkruar ATA Device Physical Info=Informatat teknike tδ ATA mjeteve Disk Device Physical Info=Informatat teknike tδ disqeve Hard Disk Family=Familja e diskut Hard Disk Name=Emri i diskut Family Code Name=Kod emri i familjes Formatted Capacity=Kapaciteti pas formatimit Disks=Disqet Recording Surfaces=Sipδrfaqja inτizuese Physical Dimensions=Dimezionet fizike Max. Weight=Pesha maksimale Average Rotational Latency=Latenca mesatare e rrotullimit Rotational Speed=Shpejtδsia e rrotullimit Max. Internal Data Rate=Kδsti maksimal intern i transportimit tδ tδ dhδnave Average Seek=Koha mesatare e leximit Track-to-Track Seek=Koha e leximit nga gjurma-nδ-gjurmδ Full Seek=Koha e plotδ e leximit Interface=Pikδkyτja Buffer-to-Host Data Rate=Kδsti i shpejtδsisδ Puferi-nδ-Host Buffer Size=Madhδsia e puferit Spin-Up Time=Koha deri nδ startim ATA Device Manufacturer=Prodhuesi i mjeteve ATA Keyboard Properties=Vetitδ e tastieres Keyboard Name=Emri i tastieres Keyboard Type=Lloji i tastieres Keyboard Layout=Pamja e tastieres ANSI Code Page=Faqja e shenjave ANSI OEM Code Page=Faqja e shenjave OEM Repeat Delay=Pritje ngadalsuese e pδrsδritjes sδ shenjave Repeat Rate=Kδsti i pδrsδritjes sδ shenjave Mouse Properties=Vetitδ e miut Mouse Name=Emri i miut Mouse Buttons=Tastieret e miut Mouse Hand=Dora e pδrdorimit tδ miut Pointer Speed=Shpejtδsia e shδnjuesit Double-Click Time=Shpejtδsia e klikimit tδ dyfisht Click-Lock Time=Koha e mbylljes sδ klikimit X/Y Threshold=Bariera X / Y Wheel Scroll Lines=Rrjetshta pδr rrotullime tδ rrotδs sδ miut Mouse Features=Vetitδ e jashtδzakonshme tδ miut Active Window Tracking=Trego dritaren aktive Hide Pointer While Typing=Gjatδ shkrimit me tastiere zhduke shδnjuesin Mouse Wheel=Rrota e miut Move Pointer To Default Button=Zhvendose shδnjuesin e miut tek pulla standarde Pointer Trails=Gjurma e miut ClickLock=Ndalim klikimi Mouse Manufacturer=Prodhuesi i miut Game Controller Properties=Vetitδ e kontrolluesit tδ lojδs Buttons=Pulla Min / Max Polling Frequency=Frekuenca Min. / Max. e transportimit Min / Max U Coordinate=Min. / Max. i Koordinatδs U Min / Max V Coordinate=Min. / Max. i Koordinatδs V Min / Max X Coordinate=Min. / Max. i Koordinatδs X Min / Max Y Coordinate=Min. / Max. i Koordinatδs Y Min / Max Z Coordinate=Min. / Max. i Koordinatδs Z Min / Max Rudder Value=Vlera Min. / Max. e Velδs Game Controller Features=Vetitδ e jashtδzakonshme tδ kontrolluesit tδ lojδs Driver Problem=Probleme me shtytδsit POV Discrete Values=Vlerat e veτanta POV Rudder=Velat U Coordinate=Koordinata U V Coordinate=Koordinata V Z Coordinate=Koordinata Z Network Adapter Properties=Vetitδ e kartelδs sδ rrjetit Interface Type=Lloji i pikδkyτjes Hardware Address=MAC Adresa Connection Name=Emri i lidhjes Connection Speed=Shpejtδsia e lidhjes DNS Suffix Search List=Lista e kδrkimit tδ prapashtesave DNS DHCP Lease Obtained=Pranon DHCP-Lease DHCP Lease Expires=Kalon afati i DHCP-Lease Bytes Received=Byte tδ pranuar Bytes Sent=Byte tδ dδrguar Network Adapter Addresses=Adresa e adaptuesit tδ rrjetit IP / SubNet Mask=IP- / SubNet-Maska Gateway=Gateway Network Adapter Manufacturer=Prodhuesi i adapterit tδ rrjetit Connection Properties=Vetitδ e lidhjes Domain=Domain-i Country / Area Code=Kodi i shtetit/vendit Phone Number=Numri i telefonit Alternate Numbers=Numra alternative IP Address=IP-Adresa DNS Addresses=DNS-Adresa WINS Addresses=WINS-Adresa Network Protocols=Protokoli i rrjetit Framing Protocol=Protokoli i Framing-ut Login Script File=Skedari i skriptit tδ lajmδrimit Connection Features=Vetitδ e jashtδzakonshme tδ lidhjes Use Current Username & Password=Pδrdor emrin dhe fjalδkalimin aktual tδ pδrdoruesit Use Remote Network Gateway=Pδrdor Gateway-in e largδt tδ rrjetit Log On To Network=Lidhu me rrjet IP Header Compression=Komprimi i IP-Header (IP-Koka) Software Compression=Komprimim i software-it PPP LCP Extensions=PPP LCP zgjδrim Open Terminal Before Dial=Hape terminalin para se tδ keni zgjedhδ numrin Open Terminal After Dial=Hape terminalin pasi qδ tδ keni zgjedhδ numrin Encrypted Password Required=Nevojitet fjalkalim i koduar MS Encrypted Password Required=Nevojitet fjalkalim i koduar me MS Data Encryption Required=Nevojitet kodimi i tδ dhδnave Secure Local Files=Siguro skedarδt lokal Account Properties=Vetitδ e kontos POP3 Server=Server-i POP3 POP3 User Name=Emri i pδrdoruesit POP3 POP3/SMTP Server Timeout=POP3/SMTP Server Timeout HTTPMail Server=Server-i i HTTP Mail-it HTTPMail User Name=Emri i pδrdoruesit tδ HTTP Mail-it IMAP Server=Server-i IMAP IMAP User Name=Emri i pδrdoruesit IMAP IMAP/SMTP Server Timeout=IMAP/SMTP Server Timeout SMTP Display Name=Emri i SMTP SMTP Organization Name=Emri i organizatδs SMTP SMTP E-mail Address=E-Mailadresa SMTP SMTP Reply Address=Adresa e SMTP pδr pδgjigje SMTP Server=Server-i SMTP SMTP User Name=Emri i pδrdoruesit SMTP NNTP Display Name=Emri i NNTP NNTP Organization Name=Emri i organizatδs NNTP NNTP E-mail Address=E-Mailadresa NNTP NNTP Reply Address=Adresa e NNTP pδr pδgjigje NNTP Server=Server-i NNTP NNTP User Name=Emri i pδrdoruesit tδ NNTP NNTP Server Timeout=NNTP Server Timeout LDAP Server=Server-i LDAP LDAP User Name=Emri i ipδrdoruesit LDAP LDAP Search Base=Baza e kδrkimit LDAP LDAP Search Timeout=Timeout-i i kδrkimit LDAP Account Features=Vetitδ e jashtδzakonshme tδ kontos POP3 Prompt For Password=Pamja pδr dhδnjen e fjalδkalimit pδr POP3 POP3 Secure Authentication=Vδrtetimi i sigurisδ pδr POP3 POP3 Secure Connection=Lidhja e sigurt POP3 POP3 Leave Mails On Server=Lδri mesazhet nδ POP3 server IMAP Prompt For Password=Pamja pδr dhδnjen e fjalδkalimit pδr IMAP IMAP Secure Authentication=Vδrtetimi i sigurisδ pδr IMAP IMAP Secure Connection=Lidhja e sigurt IMAP HTTPMail Prompt For Password=Pamja pδr dhδnjen e fjalδkalimit pδr HTTP Mail HTTPMail Secure Authentication=Vδrtetimi i sigurisδ pδr HTTP Mail HTTPMail Secure Connection=Lidhje e sigurt me HTTP Mail SMTP Prompt For Password=Pamja pδr dhδnjen e fjalδkalimit pδr SMTP SMTP Secure Authentication=Vδrtetimi i sigurisδ pδr SMTP SMTP Secure Connection=Lidhje e sigurt me SMTP NNTP Prompt For Password=Pamja pδr dhδnjen e fjalδkalimit pδr NNTP NNTP Secure Authentication=Vδrtetimi i sigurisδ pδr NNTP NNTP Secure Connection=Lidhje e sigurt me NNTP NNTP Use Group Descriptions=Pδrshkrimi i grupit tδ pδrdoruesve pδr NNTP NNTP Post Using Plain Text Format=Posta NNTP pδrdor formatim tδ thjeshtδ teksti NNTP Post Using HTML Format=NNTP pδrdor formatim HTML LDAP Authentication Required=Nevojitet vδrtetimi LDAP LDAP Secure Authentication=Vδrtetimi i sigurisδ pδr LDAP LDAP Secure Connection=Lidhje e sigurt me LDAP LDAP Simple Search Filter=LDAP Filter i thjeshtδ kδrkues DirectDraw Device Properties=Vetitδ DirectDraw DirectDraw Driver Name=Emri i shtytδsit DirectDraw DirectDraw Driver Description=Pδshkrimi i shtytδsve DirectDraw Hardware Driver=Shtytδsit e hardware-it Hardware Description=Pδrshkrimi i hardware-it Direct3D Device Properties=Vetitδ e mjetit Direct3D Available Local Video Memory=Video memorja lokale nδ disponim Available Non-Local Video Memory (AGP)=Videomemorja jo lokale nδ disponim (AGP) Rendering Bit Depths=Bit-i pδr rendering Z-Buffer Bit Depths=Thellδsia bit-ore e Z-Puferit Min Texture Size=Madhδsia minimale e teksturδs Max Texture Size=Madhδsia maksimale e teksturδs Vertex Shader Version=Verzioni i Vertex-Shader Pixel Shader Version=Verzioni i Pixel-Shader Direct3D Device Features=Vetitδ e jashtδzakonshme tδ Direct3D DirectSound Device Properties=Vetitδ e mjetit DirectSound Driver Module=Moduli shtytδs Primary Buffers=Puferi primar Min / Max Secondary Buffers Sample Rate=Puferi sekondar Min./Max. i Sample rate Primary Buffers Sound Formats=Puferi primar i formateve tδ zδrit Secondary Buffers Sound Formats=Puferi skondar i formateve tδ zδrit Total / Free Sound Buffers=Puferi total / i lirδ i zδrit Total / Free Static Sound Buffers=Puferi statik total / i lirδ i zδrit Total / Free Streaming Sound Buffers=Streaming-puferi total / i lirδ i zδrit Total / Free 3D Sound Buffers=Puferi 3D total / i lirδ i zδrit Total / Free 3D Static Sound Buffers=Puferi 3D statik total / i lirδ i zδrit Total / Free 3D Streaming Sound Buffers=Streaming-puferi 3D total / i lirδ i zδrit DirectSound Device Features=Vetitδ e jashtδzakonshme tδ DirectSound Certified Driver=Shtytδs tδ qertifikuar Emulated Device=Mjet i emuluar Precise Sample Rate=Sample-Rate i precizuar DirectMusic Device Properties=Vetitδ e mjetit DirectMusic Synthesizer Type=LLoji i sintizajzerit Device Class=Klasa e mjetit Audio Channels=Audiokanalet MIDI Channels=MIDI-Kanalet Available Memory=Memorja nδ disponim Voices=Zδrat DirectMusic Device Features=Vetitδ e jashtδzakonshme tδ DirectMusic Built-In GM Instrument Set=Grupi i instrumenteve tδ integruara GM Built-In Roland GS Sound Set=Grupi i zδrave tδ integruar Roland GS DLS L1 Sample Collections=Pδrmbledhje shembujsh DLS L1 DLS L2 Sample Collections=Pδrmbledhje shembujsh DLS L2 External MIDI Port=Port i jashtδm MIDI Fixed DLS Memory Size=Madhδsia e fiksuar e memorjes DLS Port Sharing=Ndarja e portit Chorus Effect=Efekti korit Delay Effect=Efekti i pezullimit Reverb Effect=Efekti eho DirectInput Device Properties=Vetitδ e mjetit DirectInput Device Subtype=Sublloji i mjetit Axes=Boshtet Buttons/Keys=Pulla/Tasta DirectInput Device Features=Vetitδ e jashtδzakonshme tδ DirectInput DirectPlay Connection Properties=Vetitδ lidhδse tδ DirectPlay Connection Description=Pδrshkrimi i lidhjes Header Length=Gjatδsia e Header-it Max Message Size=Madhδsia maksimale e mesazhit Estimated Latency=Vonesa e mundshme Timeout Value=Vlera Timeout Max Players=Numri maksimal i lojtarδve Max Local Players=Numri maksimal lokal i lojtarδve DirectPlay Connection Features=Vetitδ e jashtδzakonshme tδ DirectPlay Guaranteed Message Delivery=Transportimi i garantuar i mesazheve Message Encryption=Kodimi i mesazheve Message Signing=Nδnshkrimi i mesazheve Session Host=Host-i i sesionit Group Messaging Optimization=Optimimi i mesazheve grupore Guaranteed Message Delivery Optimization=Optimimi i transportimit tδ garantuar tδ mesazheve Keep Alives Optimization=Optimimi i mbajtjes sδ lidhjes Device Properties=Vetitδ e mjetit Driver Date=Data e shtytδsit Driver Provider=Ofruesi i shtytδsit INF File=Skedari INF Hardware ID=ID e Hardver-it PCI Devices=Mjetet PCI PnP Devices=Mjetet PnP LPT PnP Devices=Mjetet LPT PnP USB Devices=Mjetet USB PCMCIA Devices=Mjetet PCMCIA FireWire Devices=Mjetet FireWire Ports=Portet Bus %d, Device %d, Function %d=Bus-i %d, mjeti %d, funksioni %d Printer Properties=Vetitδ e printerit Default Printer=Printeri standard Share Point=Pδrdorim i pδrbashkδt Printer Port=Porti i printerit Printer Driver=Shtytδsi i printerit Print Processor=Procesori i printerit Location=Vendi Separator Page=Kufizimi i faqeve Priority=Prioriteti Availability=Disponimi Print Jobs Queued=Porositδ nδ pritje pδr shtypje Paper Properties=Vetitδ e letrδs Paper Size=Madhδsia e letrδs Orientation=Orientimi Print Quality=Kualiteti i shtypjes Printer Manufacturer=Prodhuesi i printerit Task Properties=Vetitδ e Task-ut Application Name=Emri i programit Application Parameters=Parametrat e programit Working Folder=Follderi i punδs Creator=Krijuesi Last Run=Startimi i fundit Next Run=Startimi i ardhδshδm Task Triggers=Shkaktari i Task-ut Trigger #%d=Shkaktari #%d Power Management Properties=Vetitδ e Power Management Current Power Source=Burimi aktual i rrymδs Battery Status=Statuti i baterisδ Full Battery Lifetime=Kohδzgjatja e baterisδ Remaining Battery Lifetime=Koha e mbetur e baterisδ Time Zone=Zona kohore Current Time Zone=Zona aktuale kohore Current Time Zone Description=Pδrshkrimi i zonδs aktuale kohore Change To Standard Time=Kthe nδ kohδn dimrore Change To Daylight Saving Time=Kthe nδ kohδn verore Language Name (Native)=Gjuha (Regjionale) Language Name (English)=Gjuha (Anglisht) Language Name (ISO 639)=Gjuha (ISO 639) Country/Region=Land/Region Country Name (Native)=Emri i shtetit (Regjional) Country Name (English)=Emri i shtetit (Anglisht) Country Name (ISO 3166)=Emri i shtetit Country Code=Kodi i shtetit Currency=WΣhrung Currency Name (Native)=Emri i valutδs (Regjionale) Currency Name (English)=Emri i valutδs (Anglisht) Currency Symbol (Native)=Simboli i valutδs (Regjionale) Currency Symbol (ISO 4217)=Simboli i valutδs (ISO 4217) Currency Format=Formati i valutδs Negative Currency Format=Formati negativ i valutδs Formatting=Formatimi Time Format=Formati i kohδs Short Date Format=Data me formatim tδ shkurtδ Long Date Format=Data me formatim tδ gjatδ Number Format=Formatimi i numrave Negative Number Format=Formatimi i numrave (Regjional) List Format=Formatimi i listave Native Digits=Shifrat regjionale Days Of Week=Ditδt e javδs Native Name for Monday=E Hδnδ(Regjional) Native Name for Tuesday=E Mart (Regjional) Native Name for Wednesday=E Mδrkurδ (Regjional) Native Name for Thursday=E Ejte (Regjional) Native Name for Friday=E Premte (Regjional) Native Name for Saturday=E Shtunδ (Regjional) Native Name for Sunday=E Dielδ (Regjional) Months=Muajt Native Name for January=Janar (Regjional) Native Name for February=Shkurt (Regjional) Native Name for March=Mars (Regjional) Native Name for April=Prill (Regjional) Native Name for May=Maj (Regjional) Native Name for June=Qershor (Regjional) Native Name for July=Korrik (Regjional) Native Name for August=Gusht (Regjional) Native Name for September=Shtator (Regjional) Native Name for October=Tetor (Regjional) Native Name for November=Nδntor (Regjional) Native Name for December=Dhjetor (Regjional) Native Name for Month #13=Emri pδr muajin e #13 (Regjional) Miscellaneous=Tδ ndryshme Calendar Type=Lloji i Kalendarit Default Paper Size=Formatimi standard i letrδs Measurement System=Sistemi i matjes Start Page=Faqja startuese Search Page=Faqja kδrkuese Download Folder=Follderi pδr shkarkim Current Proxy=Proxy aktual Proxy Status=Statuti i proxy-it %s Proxy Server=Proxy serveri %s Exceptions=Veτimet Module Name=Emri i modulit Module Size=Madhδsia e modulit Module Type=LLoji i modulit Memory Type=Lloji i memorjes Memory Speed=Shpejtδsia e memorjes Module Width=Gjδrδsia e modulit Module Voltage=Tensioni i modulit Refresh Rate=Kδsti i freskimit Highest CAS Latency=Koha maksimale e pritjes CAS 2nd Highest CAS Latency=Koha e 2tδ maksimale e pritjes CAS Memory Module Features=Vetitδ e jashtδzakonshme tδ modulit tδ memorjes Memory Module Manufacturer=Prodhuesi i modulit tδ memorjes Last Shutdown Time=Koha e τkyτjes sδ fundit Last Boot Time=Koha e fundit e kyτjes Current Time=Koha momentale UpTime Statistics=Statistika e dhezjes First Boot Time=Hera e parδ e kyτjes First Shutdown Time=Koha e parδ e τkyτjes Total UpTime=Koha totale gjatδ kyτjes Total DownTime=Gjithδsejt fikδ Longest UpTime=Gjithδsejt dhezδ Longest DownTime=Koha mδ e gjatδ fikδ Total Reboots=Gjithδsejt rikyτje System Availability=Sistemi nδ disponim Bluescreen Statistics=Statistika e ekranit tδ kaltδrt First Bluescreen Time=Hera e parδ e ekrani tδ kaltδrt Last Bluescreen Time=Hera e fundit tδ ekranit tδ kaltδrt Total Bluescreens=Gjithδsejt ekrane tδ kaltδrta // messages Please wait until the benchmark is finished running=Julutem pritni deri tδ kryhet kontrollimi. During this time your computer may seem to not be responding=Gjatδ kδsaj kohe nuk mund t'a pδrdorni kompjuterin. Please do not move the mouse or press any keys=Julutem mos shtypni ndonjδ pullδ dhe mos e lδvizni miun. Are you sure you want to uninstall=A jeni i sigurt se dδshironi t'i deinstaloni programin? Database parameters are not configured yet=Parametrat e datotekδs ende nuk janδ konfiguruar Go to: File menu / Preferences / Database=Shko te: Menyja e skedarδve / Perferencat /Datoteka Are you sure you want to remove all computers from audit?=A jeni i sigurt se dδshironi t'i lagoni tδ gjithδ kompjuterδt nga auditimi CPU Speed=Shpejtδsia e CPU-sδ CPU Multiplier=Shumδzuesi i CPU-sδ CPU Cache=Cache-i i CPU-sδ SPD Memory Modules=Modulet e memorjes SPD Memory Bus=Bus-i i memorjes Memory Clock=Ora e memorjes original=origjinal Connecting to FTP server=Lidhje me serverin FTP Clear List=Pastro listδn Are you sure you want to clear Internet Explorer cookie list?=A jeni i sigurt se dδshironi tδ pastroni listδn e cookie-ve tδ Internet Explorer? Are you sure you want to clear Internet Explorer browser history?=A jeni i sigurt se dδshironi tδ pastroni historinδ e brouzerit Internet Explorer? Memory Timings=Afatizimi i memorjes North Bridge Properties=Vetitδ e urδs veriore North Bridge=Ura veriore South Bridge Properties=Vetitδ e urδs jugore South Bridge=Ura jugore Lavalys does not provide official support for this freeware product=Lavalys nuk japin ndihmδ zyrtare pδr kδtδ Freeware produkt! AMD Brand ID=(AMD) Identifikuesi i markδs 64-bit x86 Extension=Zgjδrimi 64-bit x86 Server port:=Porta e serverit: A&uthorize Change=&Ndrysho autorizimin SMART Hard Disks Status=Statuti SMART i Hard-Disk-ut Group Membership=Pjesmarrja e grupit &Title:=&Titulli: Report &title:=&Titulli i raportit: Database Software=Software i datotekδs Database Servers=Server i datotekδs BIOS Upgrades=Freskim i BIOS-it Entry of &INI file=Hyrja e skedarit &INI INI file=Skedari INI INI group=Grupi INI INI entry=Hyrja nδ INI